Displaying 781 – 800 of 2162

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On representations of real analytic functions by monogenic functions

Hongfen Yuan (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Using the method of normalized systems of functions, we study one representation of real analytic functions by monogenic functions (i.e., solutions of Dirac equations), which is an Almansi’s formula of infinite order. As applications of the representation, we construct solutions of the inhomogeneous Dirac and poly-Dirac equations in Clifford analysis.

On Schrödinger maps from T 1 to  S 2

Robert L. Jerrard, Didier Smets (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We prove an estimate for the difference of two solutions of the Schrödinger map equation for maps from T 1 to  S 2 . This estimate yields some continuity properties of the flow map for the topology of  L 2 ( T 1 , S 2 ) , provided one takes its quotient by the continuous group action of  T 1 given by translations. We also prove that without taking this quotient, for any t > 0 the flow map at time t is discontinuous as a map from 𝒞 ( T 1 , S 2 ) , equipped with the weak topology of  H 1 / 2 , to the space of distributions ( 𝒞 ( T 1 , 3 ) ) * . The argument relies in an essential...

On second order Hamiltonian systems

Dana Smetanová (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum

The aim of the paper is to announce some recent results concerning Hamiltonian theory. The case of second order Euler–Lagrange form non-affine in the second derivatives is studied. Its related second order Hamiltonian systems and geometrical correspondence between solutions of Hamilton and Euler–Lagrange equations are found.

On shape optimization problems involving the fractional laplacian

Anne-Laure Dalibard, David Gérard-Varet (2013)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Our concern is the computation of optimal shapes in problems involving (−Δ)1/2. We focus on the energy J(Ω) associated to the solution uΩ of the basic Dirichlet problem ( − Δ)1/2uΩ = 1 in Ω, u = 0 in Ωc. We show that regular minimizers Ω of this energy under a volume constraint are disks. Our proof goes through the explicit computation of the shape derivative (that seems to be completely new in the fractional context), and a refined adaptation of the moving plane method.

On Signorini problem for von Kármán equations. The case of angular domain

Jan Franců (1979)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper deals with the generalized Signorini problem. The used method of pseudomonotone semicoercive operator inequality is introduced in the paper by O. John. The existence result for smooth domains from the paper by O. John is extended to technically significant "angular" domains. The crucial point of the proof is the estimation of the nonlinear term which appears in the operator form of the problem. The substantial technical difficulties connected with non-smoothness of the boundary are overcome...

Currently displaying 781 – 800 of 2162