Displaying 921 – 940 of 1309

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Existence of multiple principal eigenvalues for some indefinite linear eigenvalue problems

J. Fleckinger, J. Hernández, F. Thélin (2004)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We study the existence of principal eigenvalues for differential operators of second order which are not necessarily in divergence form. We obtain results concerning multiplicity of principal eigenvalues in both the variational and the general case. Our approach uses systematically the Krein-Rutman theorem and fixed point arguments for the spectral radius of some associated problems. We also use a variational characterization for both the self-adjoint and the general case.

Existence of optimal maps in the reflector-type problems

Wilfrid Gangbo, Vladimir Oliker (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper, we consider probability measures μ and ν on a d-dimensional sphere in 𝐑 d + 1 , d 1 , and cost functions of the form c ( 𝐱 , 𝐲 ) = l ( | 𝐱 - 𝐲 | 2 2 ) that generalize those arising in geometric optics where l ( t ) = - log t . We prove that if μ and ν vanish on ( d - 1 ) -rectifiable sets, if |l'(t)|>0, lim t 0 + l ( t ) = + , and g ( t ) : = t ( 2 - t ) ( l ' ( t ) ) 2 is monotone then there exists a unique optimal map To that transports μ onto ν , where optimality is measured against c. Furthermore, inf 𝐱 | T o 𝐱 - 𝐱 | > 0 . Our approach is based on direct variational arguments. In the special case when l ( t ) = - log t , existence of optimal maps...

Existence of periodic solutions for semilinear parabolic equations

Norimichi Hirano, Noriko Mizoguchi (1996)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper, we are concerned with the semilinear parabolic equation ∂u/∂t - Δu = g(t,x,u) if ( t , x ) R + × Ω u = 0 if ( t , x ) R + × Ω , where Ω R N is a bounded domain with smooth boundary ∂Ω and g : R + × Ω ¯ × R R is T-periodic with respect to the first variable. The existence and the multiplicity of T-periodic solutions for this problem are shown when g(t,x,ξ)/ξ lies between two higher eigenvalues of - Δ in Ω with the Dirichlet boundary condition as ξ → ±∞.

Currently displaying 921 – 940 of 1309