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Partial Hölder continuity results for solutions of non linear non variational elliptic systems with limit controlled growth

Luisa Fattorusso, Giovanna Idone (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Let Ω be a bounded open subset of R n , n > 4 , of class C 2 . Let u H 2 Ω a solution of elliptic non linear non variational system a x , u , D u , H u = b x , u , D u where a x , u , μ , ξ and b x , u , μ are vectors in R N , N 1 , measurable in x , continuous in u , μ , ξ and u , μ respectively. Here, we demonstrate that if b x , u , μ has limit controlled growth, if a x , u , μ , ξ is of class C 1 in ξ and satisfies the Campanato condition A and, together with a ξ , certain continuity assumptions, then the vector D u is partially Hölder continuous for every exponent α < 1 - n p .

Partial regularity for anisotropic functionals of higher order

Menita Carozza, Antonia Passarelli di Napoli (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We prove a C k , α partial regularity result for local minimizers of variational integrals of the type I ( u ) = Ω f ( D k u ( x ) ) d x , assuming that the integrand f satisfies (p,q) growth conditions.

Partial regularity of solution to generalized Navier-Stokes problem

Václav Mácha (2014)

Open Mathematics

In the presented work, we study the regularity of solutions to the generalized Navier-Stokes problem up to a C 2 boundary in dimensions two and three. The point of our generalization is an assumption that a deviatoric part of a stress tensor depends on a shear rate and on a pressure. We focus on estimates of the Hausdorff measure of a singular set which is defined as a complement of a set where a solution is Hölder continuous. We use so-called indirect approach to show partial regularity, for dimension...

Particle Dynamics Modelling of Cell Populations

N. Bessonov, P. Kurbatova, V. Volpert (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Evolution of cell populations can be described with dissipative particle dynamics, where each cell moves according to the balance of forces acting on it, or with partial differential equations, where cell population is considered as a continuous medium. We compare these two approaches for some model examples

Partition of unity method for Helmholtz equation: q -convergence for plane-wave and wave-band local bases

Theofanis Strouboulis, Realino Hidajat (2006)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper we study the q -version of the Partition of Unity Method for the Helmholtz equation. The method is obtained by employing the standard bilinear finite element basis on a mesh of quadrilaterals discretizing the domain as the Partition of Unity used to paste together local bases of special wave-functions employed at the mesh vertices. The main topic of the paper is the comparison of the performance of the method for two choices of local basis functions, namely a) plane-waves, and b) wave-bands....

Partly dissipative systems in uniformly local spaces

Alexandre N. Carvalho, Tomasz Dlotko (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study the existence of attractors for partly dissipative systems in ℝⁿ. For these systems we prove the existence of global attractors with attraction properties and compactness in a slightly weaker topology than the topology of the phase space. We obtain abstract results extending the usual theory to encompass such two-topologies attractors. These results are applied to the FitzHugh-Nagumo equations in ℝⁿ and to Field-Noyes equations in ℝ. Some embeddings between uniformly local spaces are also...

Pathwise uniqueness for stochastic PDEs

Giuseppe Da Prato (2015)

Banach Center Publications

We consider a stochastic evolution equation in a separable Hilbert spaces H or in a separable Banach space E with a Hölder continuous perturbation on the drift. We review some recent result about pathwise uniqueness for this equation.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 671