Biharmonic eigenvalue problems and estimates.
In our paper, the theory of bi-integrable and tri-integrable couplings is generalized to the discrete case. First, based on the six-dimensional real special orthogonal Lie algebra SO(4), we construct bi-integrable and tri-integrable couplings associated with SO(4) for a hierarchy from the enlarged matrix spectral problems and the enlarged zero curvature equations. Moreover, Hamiltonian structures of the obtained bi-integrable and tri-integrable couplings are constructed by the variational identities....
In topology optimization problems, we are often forced to deal with large-scale numerical problems, so that the domain decomposition method occurs naturally. Consider a typical topology optimization problem, the minimum compliance problem of a linear isotropic elastic continuum structure, in which the constraints are the partial differential equations of linear elasticity. We subdivide the partial differential equations into two subproblems posed...
We survey some recent results for the KP-II equation. We also give an idea for treating the “bad frequency interactions” of the bilinear estimates in the Fourier transform restriction spaces related to the KP-I equation.
Let L = -Δ + V be a Schrödinger operator in and be the Hardy type space associated to L. We investigate the bilinear operators T⁺ and T¯ defined by , where T₁ and T₂ are Calderón-Zygmund operators related to L. Under some general conditions, we prove that either T⁺ or T¯ is bounded from to for 1 < p,q < ∞ with 1/p + 1/q = 1. Several examples satisfying these conditions are given. We also give a counterexample for which the classical Hardy space estimate fails.
We prove bilinear virial identities for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, which are extensions of the Morawetz interaction inequalities. We recover and extend known bilinear improvements to Strichartz inequalities and provide applications to various nonlinear problems, most notably on domains with boundaries.
This is a report on recent results with A. Hassell on quantum ergodicity of boundary traces of eigenfunctions on domains with ergodic billiards, and of work in progress with Hassell and Sogge on norms of boundary traces. Related work by Burq, Grieser and Smith-Sogge is also discussed.
We are interested in a barotropic motion of the non-Newtonian bipolar fluids . We consider a special case where the stress tensor is expressed in the form of potentials depending on eii and . We prove the asymptotic stability of the rest state under the assumption of the regularity of the potential forces.
The paper describes the special situation of barotropic nonnewtonian fluid, where stress tensor can be written in the form of potentials which depend on and . For this case, we prove the existence and uniqueness of weak solution.
An abstract semilinear parabolic equation in a Banach space X is considered. Under general assumptions on nonlinearity this problem is shown to generate a bounded dissipative semigroup on . This semigroup possesses an -global attractor that is closed, bounded, invariant in , and attracts bounded subsets of in a ’weaker’ topology of an auxiliary Banach space Z. The abstract approach is finally applied to the scalar parabolic equation in Rⁿ and to the partly dissipative system.