About stability of equilibrium shapes
We discuss the stability of "critical" or "equilibrium" shapes of a shape-dependent energy functional. We analyze a problem arising when looking at the positivity of the second derivative in order to prove that a critical shape is an optimal shape. Indeed, often when positivity -or coercivity- holds, it does for a weaker norm than the norm for which the functional is twice differentiable and local optimality cannot be a priori deduced. We solve this problem for a particular but significant example....
We investigate the steady transport equation in various domains (bounded or unbounded) with smooth noncompact boundaries. The functions are supposed to be small in appropriate norms. The solution is studied in spaces of Sobolev type (classical Sobolev spaces, Sobolev spaces with weights, homogeneous Sobolev spaces, dual spaces to Sobolev spaces). The particular stress is put onto the problem to extend the results to as less regular vector fields , as possible (conserving the requirement of...
We study the decay of the motions of a viscous fluid subject to gravity without surface tension with a free boundary at the top. We show that the solutions of the linearization about the equilibrium state decay, but not exponentially in a uniform manner. We also discuss the consequences of this for the non-linear equations.
Le but de cette note est de montrer que le principe du maximum, même dans une version affaiblie, n’est pas vérifıé pour la classe des opérateurs paraboliques du type , où L est un opérateur différentiel elliptique d’ordre 2 sous forme divergence à coefficients complexes mesurables et bornés en dimension supérieure ou égale à 5. Le principe de démonstration repose sur un résultat abstrait de la théorie des semi-groupes permettant d’utiliser le contre-exemple présenté dans [MNP] à la régularité des...
On donne dans cet exposé des bornes inférieures universelles, en limite semiclassique, de la hauteur des résonances de forme associées aux opérateurs de Schrödinger à l’extérieur d’obstacles avec des conditions au bord de Dirichlet ou de Neumann et des potentiels analytiquement dilatables et tendant vers à l’infini. Ces bornes inférieures sont exponentiellement petites par rapport à la constante de Planck.
We study the absence of nonnegative global solutions to parabolic inequalities of the type , where , 0 < β ≤ 2, is the β/2 fractional power of the Laplacian. We give a sufficient condition which implies that the only global solution is trivial if p > 1 is small. Among other properties, we derive a necessary condition for the existence of local and global nonnegative solutions to the above problem for the function V satisfying , where a ≥ 0, b > 0, p > 1 and V₊(x): = maxV(x),0. We...