Characterizations of Localized BMO() via Commutators of Localized Riesz Transforms and Fractional Integrals Associated to Schr“odinger Operators and Fractional Integrals Associated to Schr“odinger Operators.
We show the equivalence of some different definitions of p-superharmonic functions given in the literature. We also provide several other characterizations of p-superharmonicity. This is done in complete metric spaces equipped with a doubling measure and supporting a Poincaré inequality. There are many examples of such spaces. A new one given here is the union of a line (with the one-dimensional Lebesgue measure) and a triangle (with a two-dimensional weighted Lebesgue measure). Our results also...
We use the concept of intrinsic metrics to give a new definition for an isoperimetric constant of a graph. We use this novel isoperimetric constant to prove a Cheeger-type estimate for the bottom of the spectrum which is nontrivial even if the vertex degrees are unbounded.
We consider a quasilinear parabolic system which has the structure of Patlak-Keller-Segel model of chemotaxis and contains a class of models with degenerate diffusion. A cell population is described in terms of volume fraction or density. In the latter case, it is assumed that there is a threshold value which the density of cells cannot exceed. Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the corresponding initial-boundary value problem and existence of space inhomogeneous stationary solutions are discussed....
Nous montrons dans cette étude l’existence de configurations stationnaires où une bille tombe le long d’un plan incliné sans le toucher. Nous donnons également des propriétés qualitatives de ces configurations. En particulier, nous nous intéressons à l’orientation du plan par rapport à la verticale quand la masse de la bille est proche de celle d’un volume équivalent de liquide i.e., quand l’écoulement autour de la bille est lent.
The main result of this note asserts that for any subanalytic locally Lipschitz function the set of its Clarke critical values is locally finite. The proof relies on Pawłucki's extension of the Puiseux lemma. In the last section we give an example of a continuous subanalytic function which is not constant on a segment of "broadly critical" points, that is, points for which we can find arbitrarily short convex combinations of gradients at nearby points.