Classes of spatially inhomogeneous pseudodifferential operators
Abstract. We study a Neumann problem for the heat equation in a cylindrical domain with -base and data in , a subspace of 1. We derive our results, considering the action of an adjoint operator on , a predual of , and using known properties of this last space.
The existence, uniqueness and regularities of the generalized global solutions and classical global solutions to the equation with the initial boundary value conditions or with the initial boundary value conditions are proved. Moreover, the asymptotic behavior of these solutions is considered under some conditions.
This paper is an extended version of an invited talk presented during the Orlicz Centenary Conference (Poznań, 2003). It contains a brief survey of applications to classical problems of analysis of the theory of the so-called PLS-spaces (in particular, spaces of distributions and real analytic functions). Sequential representations of the spaces and the theory of the functor Proj¹ are applied to questions like solvability of linear partial differential equations, existence of a solution depending...
In this paper we investigate the motion of a rigid ball in an incompressible perfect fluid occupying . We prove the global in time existence and the uniqueness of the classical solution for this fluid-structure problem. The proof relies mainly on weighted estimates for the vorticity associated with the strong solution of a fluid-structure problem obtained by incorporating some dissipation.
In this paper we investigate the motion of a rigid ball in an incompressible perfect fluid occupying . We prove the global in time existence and the uniqueness of the classical solution for this fluid-structure problem. The proof relies mainly on weighted estimates for the vorticity associated with the strong solution of a fluid-structure problem obtained by incorporating some dissipation.
Sono dati nuovi teoremi di esistenza per soluzioni regolari di equazioni di evoluzione paraboliche astratte con applicazioni all'equazione del calore in spazi di funzioni holderiane e alle equazioni semilineari.
Sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence and uniqueness of classical solutions to the Cauchy problem for the scalar conservation law are found in the class of discontinuous initial data and non-convex flux function. Regularity of rarefaction waves starting from discontinuous initial data and their dependence on the flux function are investigated and illustrated in a few examples.