Initial-boundary value problem for the discrete Boltzmann equation
Theorems on differential inequalities generated by an initial-boundary value problem for impulsive parabolic functional differential equations are considered. Comparison results implying uniqueness criteria are proved.
We develop a well-posedness theory for second order systems in bounded domains where boundary phenomena like glancing and surface waves play an important role. Attempts have previously been made to write a second order system consisting of n equations as a larger first order system. Unfortunately, the resulting first order system consists, in general, of more than 2n equations which leads to many complications, such as side conditions which must be satisfied by the solution of the larger first order...
We develop a well-posedness theory for second order systems in bounded domains where boundary phenomena like glancing and surface waves play an important role. Attempts have previously been made to write a second order system consisting of n equations as a larger first order system. Unfortunately, the resulting first order system consists, in general, of more than 2n equations which leads to many complications, such as side conditions which must...
On démontre dans cet article des versions probabilistes des injections de Sobolev sur une variété riemannienne compacte, . Plus précisément on démontre que pour des mesures de probabilité naturelles sur l’espace , presque toute fonction appartient à tous les espaces , . On donne ensuite des applications à l’étude des harmoniques sphériques sur la sphère : on démontre (encore pour des mesures de probabilité naturelles) que presque toute base hilbertienne de formée d’harmoniques sphériques...
A class of compatible spatial discretizations for solving partial differential equations is presented. A discrete exact sequence framework is developed to classify these methods which include the mimetic and the covolume methods as well as certain low-order finite element methods. This construction ensures discrete analogs of the differential operators that satisfy the identities and theorems of vector calculus, in particular a Helmholtz decomposition theorem for the discrete function spaces. This...
Dans ce travail, nous considérons un opérateur différentiel simple ainsi que des perturbations. Alors que le spectre de l’opérateur non-perturbé est confiné à une droite à l’intérieur du pseudospectre, nous montrons pour les opérateurs perturbés que les valeurs propres se distribuent à l’intérieur du pseudospectre d’après une loi de Weyl.
The present paper is devoted to study the behaviour at infinity of some solutions of non autonomous and non homogeneous second order linear systems in semi-infinite strips.
Richards' equation is a widely used model of partially saturated flow in a porous medium. In order to obtain conservative velocity field several authors proposed to use mixed or mixed-hybrid schemes to solve the equation. In this paper, we shall analyze the mixed scheme on 1D domain and we show that it violates the discrete maximum principle which leads to catastrophic oscillations in the solution.
In this paper the stability of two basic types of cable stayed bridges, suspended by one or two rows of cables, is studied. Two linearized models of the center span describing the vertical and torsional oscillations are investigated. After the analysis of these models, a stability criterion is formulated. The criterion expresses a relation between the eigenvalues of the vertical and torsional oscillations of the center span. The continuous dependence of the eigenvalues on some data is studied and...