Dynamical systems and Lagrangian spaces.
This survey is an introduction to some of the methods, techniques and concepts from algebraic topology and related areas (homotopy theory, shape theory) which can be fruitfully applied to study problems concerning continuous dynamical systems. To this end two instances which exemplify the interaction between topology and dynamics are considered, namely, Conley’s index theory and the study of some properties of certain attractors.
We exhibit a family of dynamical systems arising from rational points on elliptic curves in an attempt to mimic the familiar toral automorphisms. At the non-archimedean primes, a continuous map is constructed on the local elliptic curve whose topological entropy is given by the local canonical height. Also, a precise formula for the periodic points is given. There follows a discussion of how these local results may be glued together to give a map on the adelic curve. We are able to give a map whose...
We give sufficient conditions for the strong asymptotic stability of the distributions of dynamical systems with multiplicative perturbations. We apply our results to iterated function systems.
We study the existence of regular periodic solutions to some dynamical systems whose potential energy is negative, has only a singular point and goes to zero at iniìnity. We give sufficient conditions to the existence of periodic solutions of assigned period which do not meet the singularity.
In this paper we prove trace formulas for the Reidemeister numbers of group endomorphisms and the rationality of the Reidemeister zeta function in the following cases: the group is finitely generated and the endomorphism is eventually commutative; the group is finite; the group is a direct sum of a finite group and a finitely generated free Abelian group; the group is finitely generated, nilpotent and torsion free. We connect the Reidemeister zeta function of an endomorphism of a direct sum of a...
We prove that if the Cantor set K, dynamically defined by a function , satisfies the conditions of McDuff’s conjecture then it cannot be C¹-minimal.
Given the plane triangle with vertices (0,0), (0,4) and (4,0) and the transformation F: (x,y) ↦ (x(4-x-y),xy) introduced by A. N. Sharkovskiĭ, we prove the existence of the following objects: a unique invariant curve of spiral type, a periodic trajectory of period 4 (given explicitly) and a periodic trajectory of period 5 (described approximately). Also, we give a decomposition of the triangle which helps to understand the global dynamics of this discrete system which is linked with the behavior...