Displaying 2081 – 2100 of 4754

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Invariant measures for piecewise convex transformations of an interval

Christopher Bose, Véronique Maume-Deschamps, Bernard Schmitt, S. Sujin Shin (2002)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the existence and ergodic properties of absolutely continuous invariant measures for a class of piecewise monotone and convex self-maps of the unit interval. Our assumption entails a type of average convexity which strictly generalizes the case of individual branches being convex, as investigated by Lasota and Yorke (1982). Along with existence, we identify tractable conditions for the invariant measure to be unique and such that the system has exponential decay of correlations on...

Invariant measures for position dependent random maps with continuous random parameters

Tomoki Inoue (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We consider a family of transformations with a random parameter and study a random dynamical system in which one transformation is randomly selected from the family and applied on each iteration. The parameter space may be of cardinality continuum. Further, the selection of the transformation need not be independent of the position in the state space. We show the existence of absolutely continuous invariant measures for random maps on an interval under some conditions.

Invariant measures for the defocusing Nonlinear Schrödinger equation

Nikolay Tzvetkov (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove the existence and the invariance of a Gibbs measure associated to the defocusing sub-quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger equations on the disc of the plane 2 . We also prove an estimate giving some intuition to what may happen in 3 dimensions.

Invariant measures related with randomly connected Poisson driven differential equations

Katarzyna Horbacz (2002)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider the stochastic differential equation (1) d u ( t ) = a ( u ( t ) , ξ ( t ) ) d t + Θ σ ( u ( t ) , θ ) p ( d t , d θ ) for t ≥ 0 with the initial condition u(0) = x₀. We give sufficient conditions for the existence of an invariant measure for the semigroup P t t 0 corresponding to (1). We show that the existence of an invariant measure for a Markov operator P corresponding to the change of measures from jump to jump implies the existence of an invariant measure for the semigroup P t t 0 describing the evolution of measures along trajectories and vice versa.

Invariant scrambled sets and maximal distributional chaos

Xinxing Wu, Peiyong Zhu (2013)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

For the full shift (Σ₂,σ) on two symbols, we construct an invariant distributionally ϵ-scrambled set for all 0 < ϵ < diam Σ₂ in which each point is transitive, but not weakly almost periodic.

Invariant sets and connecting orbits for nonlinear evolution equations at resonance

Piotr Kokocki (2015)

Mathematica Bohemica

We study the problem of existence of orbits connecting stationary points for the nonlinear heat and strongly damped wave equations being at resonance at infinity. The main difficulty lies in the fact that the problems may have no solutions for general nonlinearity. To address this question we introduce geometrical assumptions for the nonlinear term and use them to prove index formulas expressing the Conley index of associated semiflows. We also prove that the geometrical assumptions are generalizations...

Invariant vector fields of Hamiltonians

Jacek Dębecki (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum

A complete classification of natural transformations of Hamiltonians into vector fields on symplectic manifolds is given herein.

Invariants homotopiques attachés aux fibrés symplectiques

Pierre Dazord (1979)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On donne une construction géométrique d’invariants généralisant la classe de Maslov-Arnold d’une immersion lagrangienne dans un fibré cotangent et l’indice de Maslov-Arnold-Leray d’une immersion lagrangienne 2 q -orientée dans R n R n * : la classe de Maslov-Arnold universelle d’un fibré symplectique et l’indice de Maslov-Arnold-Leray d’un fibré q -symplectique, c’est-à-dire dont le groupe structural est le revêtement à q feuillets de S p ( n ) . Tout ceci relève d’une situation géométrique générale dans laquelle s’introduisent...

Currently displaying 2081 – 2100 of 4754