On symmetries and constants of motion in Hamiltonian systems with nonholonomic constraints
We investigate the nonautonomous periodic system of ODE’s of the form , where is a -periodic function defined by for , for and the vector fields and are related by an involutive diffeomorphism.
Solenoids are inverse limits of the circle, and the classical knot theory is the theory of tame embeddings of the circle into 3-space. We make a general study, including certain classification results, of tame embeddings of solenoids into 3-space, seen as the "inverse limits" of tame embeddings of the circle. Some applications in topology and in dynamics are discussed. In particular, there are tamely embedded solenoids Σ ⊂ ℝ³ which are strictly achiral. Since solenoids are non-planar,...
We prove that for some families of entire functions whose Julia set is the complement of the basin of attraction every branch of a tree of preimages starting from this basin is convergent.
In this paper, a modified version of the Chaos Shift Keying (CSK) scheme for secure encryption and decryption of data will be discussed. The classical CSK method determines the correct value of binary signal through checking which initially unsynchronized system is getting synchronized. On the contrary, the new anti-synchronization CSK (ACSK) scheme determines the wrong value of binary signal through checking which already synchronized system is loosing synchronization. The ACSK scheme is implemented...
In applying control (or feedback) theory to (mechanic) Lagrangian systems, so far forces have been generally used as values of the control . However these values are those of a Lagrangian co-ordinate in various interesting problems with a scalar control , where this control is carried out physically by adding some frictionless constraints. This pushed the author to consider a typical Lagrangian system , referred to a system of Lagrangian co-ordinates, and to try and write some handy conditions,...
A solution of the Feigenbaum functional equation is called a Feigenbaum map. We investigate the likely limit set (i.e. the maximal attractor in the sense of Milnor) of a non-unimodal Feigenbaum map, prove that it is a minimal set that attracts almost all points, and then estimate its Hausdorff dimension. Finally, for every s ∈ (0,1), we construct a non-unimodal Feigenbaum map with a likely limit set whose Hausdorff dimension is s.
A proof of the C⁰-closing lemma for noninvertible discrete dynamical systems and its extension to the noncompact case are presented.
Under very mild assumptions, any Lipschitz continuous conjugacy between the closures of the postcritical sets of two C¹-unimodal maps has a derivative at the critical point, and also on a dense set of its preimages. In a more restrictive situation of infinitely renormalizable maps of bounded combinatorial type the Lipschitz condition automatically implies the C¹-smoothness of the conjugacy. Here the critical degree can be any real number α > 1.