Displaying 3041 – 3060 of 4754

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On the unstable directions and Lyapunov exponents of Anosov endomorphisms

Fernando Micena, Ali Tahzibi (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Unlike in the invertible setting, Anosov endomorphisms may have infinitely many unstable directions. Here we prove, under the transitivity assumption, that an Anosov endomorphism of a closed manifold M is either special (that is, every x ∈ M has only one unstable direction), or for a typical point in M there are infinitely many unstable directions. Another result is the semi-rigidity of the unstable Lyapunov exponent of a C 1 + α codimension one Anosov endomorphism that is C¹-close to a linear endomorphism...

On the weak robustness of fuzzy matrices

Ján Plavka (2013)


A matrix A in ( max , min ) -algebra (fuzzy matrix) is called weakly robust if A k x is an eigenvector of A only if x is an eigenvector of A . The weak robustness of fuzzy matrices are studied and its properties are proved. A characterization of the weak robustness of fuzzy matrices is presented and an O ( n 2 ) algorithm for checking the weak robustness is described.

On the zero-temperature or vanishing viscosity limit for certain Markov processes arising from Lagrangian dynamics

Nalini Anantharaman (2004)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study the zero-temperature limit for Gibbs measures associated to Frenkel–Kontorova models on ( d ) / d . We prove that equilibrium states concentrate on configurations of minimal energy, and, in addition, must satisfy a variational principle involving metric entropy and Lyapunov exponents, a bit like in the Ruelle–Pesin inequality. Then we transpose the result to certain continuous-time stationary stochastic processes associated to the viscous Hamilton–Jacobi equation. As the viscosity vanishes, the...

On the ω-limit sets of tent maps

Andrew D. Barwell, Gareth Davies, Chris Good (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For a continuous map f on a compact metric space (X,d), a set D ⊂ X is internally chain transitive if for every x,y ∈ D and every δ > 0 there is a sequence of points ⟨x = x₀,x₁,...,xₙ = y⟩ such that d ( f ( x i ) , x i + 1 ) < δ for 0 ≤ i< n. In this paper, we prove that for tent maps with periodic critical point, every closed, internally chain transitive set is necessarily an ω-limit set. Furthermore, we show that there are at least countably many tent maps with non-recurrent critical point for which there is a closed,...

On time reparametrizations and isomorphisms of impulsive dynamical systems

Krzysztof Ciesielski (2004)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We prove that for a given impulsive dynamical system there exists an isomorphism of the basic dynamical system such that in the new system equipped with the same impulse function each impulsive trajectory is global, i.e. the resulting dynamics is defined for all positive times. We also prove that for a given impulsive system it is possible to change the topology in the phase space so that we may consider the system as a semidynamical system (without impulses).

On top spaces.

Molaei, M.R., Khadekar, G.S., Farhangdost, M.R. (2006)

Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications (BJGA)

On transcendental automorphisms of algebraic foliations

B. Scárdua (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the group Aut(ℱ) of (self) isomorphisms of a holomorphic foliation ℱ with singularities on a complex manifold. We prove, for instance, that for a polynomial foliation on ℂ² this group consists of algebraic elements provided that the line at infinity ℂP(2)∖ℂ² is not invariant under the foliation. If in addition ℱ is of general type (cf. [20]) then Aut(ℱ) is finite. For a foliation with hyperbolic singularities at infinity, if there is a transcendental automorphism then the foliation is either...

On two possible constructions of the quantum semigroup of all quantum permutations of an infinite countable set

Debashish Goswami, Adam Skalski (2012)

Banach Center Publications

Two different models for a Hopf-von Neumann algebra of bounded functions on the quantum semigroup of all (quantum) permutations of infinitely many elements are proposed, one based on projective limits of enveloping von Neumann algebras related to finite quantum permutation groups, and the second on a universal property with respect to infinite magic unitaries.

Currently displaying 3041 – 3060 of 4754