Displaying 3621 – 3640 of 4754

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Simple and complex dynamics for circle maps.

Lluís Alsedà, Vladimir Fedorenko (1993)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The continuous self maps of a closed interval of the real line with zero topological entropy can be characterized in terms of the dynamics of the map on its chain recurrent set. In this paper we extend this characterization to continuous self maps of the circle. We show that, for these maps, the chain recurrent set can exhibit a new dynamic behaviour which is specific of the circle maps of degree one.

Simple connection matrices

Piotr Bartłomiejczyk (2007)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We introduce simple connection matrices. We prove the existence of simple connection matrices for filtered differential vector spaces and Morse decompositions of compact metric spaces.

Simple examples of one-parameter planar bifurcations.

Armengol Gasull, Rafel Prohens (2000)

Extracta Mathematicae

In this paper we give simple and low degree examples of one-parameter polynomial families of planar differential equations which present generic, codimension one, isolated, compact bifurcations. In contrast with some examples which appear in the usual text books each bifurcation occurs when the bifurcation parameter is zero. We study the total number of limit cycles that the examples present and we also make their phase portraits on the Poincaré sphere.

Simple exponential estimate for the number of real zeros of complete abelian integrals

Dmitri Novikov, Sergei Yakovenko (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We show that for a generic polynomial H = H ( x , y ) and an arbitrary differential 1-form ω = P ( x , y ) d x + Q ( x , y ) d y with polynomial coefficients of degree d , the number of ovals of the foliation H = const , which yield the zero value of the complete Abelian integral I ( t ) = H = t ω , grows at most as exp O H ( d ) as d , where O H ( d ) depends only on H . The main result of the paper is derived from the following more general theorem on bounds for isolated zeros occurring in polynomial envelopes of linear differential equations. Let f 1 ( t ) , , f n ( t ) , t K , be a fundamental system of real solutions...

Simple systems are disjoint from Gaussian systems

Andrés del Junco, Mariusz Lemańczyk (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We prove the theorem promised in the title. Gaussians can be distinguished from simple maps by their property of divisibility. Roughly speaking, a system is divisible if it has a rich supply of direct product splittings. Gaussians are divisible and weakly mixing simple maps have no splittings at all so they cannot be isomorphic. The proof that they are disjoint consists of an elaboration of this idea, which involves, among other things, the notion of virtual divisibility, which is, more or less,...

Simulation and design of extraction and separation fluidic devices

Bijan Mohammadi, Juan G. Santiago (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We present the combination of a state control and shape design approaches for the optimization of micro-fluidic channels used for sample extraction and separation of chemical species existing in a buffer solution. The aim is to improve the extraction and identification capacities of electroosmotic micro-fluidic devices by avoiding dispersion of the extracted advected band.

Simulation and design of extraction and separation fluidic devices

Bijan Mohammadi, Juan G. Santiago (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present the combination of a state control and shape design approaches for the optimization of micro-fluidic channels used for sample extraction and separation of chemical species existing in a buffer solution. The aim is to improve the extraction and identification capacities of electroosmotic micro-fluidic devices by avoiding dispersion of the extracted advected band.

Simultaneous reduction to normal forms of commuting singular vector fields with linear parts having Jordan blocks

Masafumi Yoshino, Todor Gramchev (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study the simultaneous linearizability of d –actions (and the corresponding d -dimensional Lie algebras) defined by commuting singular vector fields in n fixing the origin with nontrivial Jordan blocks in the linear parts. We prove the analytic convergence of the formal linearizing transformations under a certain invariant geometric condition for the spectrum of d vector fields generating a Lie algebra. If the condition fails and if we consider the situation where small denominators occur, then...

Singular Hamiltonian systems and symplectic capacities

Alfred Künzle (1996)

Banach Center Publications

The purpose of this paper is to develop the basics of a theory of Hamiltonian systems with non-differentiable Hamilton functions which have become important in symplectic topology. A characteristic differential inclusion is introduced and its equivalence to Hamiltonian inclusions for certain convex Hamiltonians is established. We give two counterexamples showing that basic properties of smooth systems are violated for non-smooth quasiconvex submersions, e.g. even the energy conservation which nevertheless...

Currently displaying 3621 – 3640 of 4754