Displaying 4081 – 4100 of 4754

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The Banach contraction mapping principle and cohomology

Ludvík Janoš (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

By a dynamical system ( X , T ) we mean the action of the semigroup ( + , + ) on a metrizable topological space X induced by a continuous selfmap T : X X . Let M ( X ) denote the set of all compatible metrics on the space X . Our main objective is to show that a selfmap T of a compact space X is a Banach contraction relative to some d 1 M ( X ) if and only if there exists some d 2 M ( X ) which, regarded as a 1 -cocycle of the system ( X , T ) × ( X , T ) , is a coboundary.

The behaviour of the nonwandering set of a piecewise monotonic interval map under small perturbations

Peter Raith (1997)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this paper piecewise monotonic maps T [ 0 , 1 ] [ 0 , 1 ] are considered. Let Q be a finite union of open intervals, and consider the set R ( Q ) of all points whose orbits omit Q . The influence of small perturbations of the endpoints of the intervals in Q on the dynamical system ( R ( Q ) , T ) is investigated. The decomposition of the nonwandering set into maximal topologically transitive subsets behaves very unstably. Nonetheless, it is shown that a maximal topologically transitive subset cannot be completely destroyed by arbitrary...

The Bernoulli shift as a basic chaotic dynamical system

Kučera, Václav (2019)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

We give a brief introduction to the Bernoulli shift map as a basic chaotic dynamical system. We give several examples where the iterates of a~mapping can be understood using the Bernoulli shift. Namely, the iteration of real interval maps and iteration of quadratic functions in the complex plain.

The bounce problem, on n-dimensional Riemannian manifolds

Giuseppe Buttazzo, Danilo Percivale (1981)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In questo lavoro vengono generalizzati i risultati relativi al problema del rimbalzo unidimensionale studiato in [5]. Precisamente si considera un punto mobile su una varietà Riemanniana V n -dimensionale, soggetto all’azione di un potenziale variabile nel tempo e vincolato a restare in una parte W di V avente un bordo di classe C 3 contro cui il punto «rimbalza»....

The branch locus for one-dimensional Pisot tiling spaces

Marcy Barge, Beverly Diamond, Richard Swanson (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

If φ is a Pisot substitution of degree d, then the inflation and substitution homeomorphism Φ on the tiling space Φ factors via geometric realization onto a d-dimensional solenoid. Under this realization, the collection of Φ-periodic asymptotic tilings corresponds to a finite set that projects onto the branch locus in a d-torus. We prove that if two such tiling spaces are homeomorphic, then the resulting branch loci are the same up to the action of certain affine maps on the torus.

The C 1 generic diffeomorphism has trivial centralizer

Christian Bonatti, Sylvain Crovisier, Amie Wilkinson (2009)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

Answering a question of Smale, we prove that the space of C 1 diffeomorphisms of a compact manifold contains a residual subset of diffeomorphisms whose centralizers are trivial.

The chain recurrent set for maps of compacta

Katsuya Yokoi (2007)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

For a self-map of a compactum we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the chain recurrent set to be precisely the set of periodic points.

Currently displaying 4081 – 4100 of 4754