Local analyticity in the time and space variables and the smoothing effect for the fifth-order KdV-type equation.
Given any compact manifold , we construct a non-empty open subset of the space of -diffeomorphisms and a dense subset such that the centralizer of every diffeomorphism in is uncountable, hence non-trivial.
This is a survey about local holomorphic dynamics, from Poincaré's times to nowadays. Some new ideas on how to relate discrete dynamics to continuous dynamics are also introduced. It is the text of the talk given by the author at the XVII UMI Congress at Milano.
In this work we consider a class of germs of singularities of integrable 1-forms in which are structurally stable in class ( if , if ), whose 1-jet is zero at the singularity. In this class the stability depends essentially on the fact that the perturbations allowed are integrable.
We show that locally conformal cosymplectic manifolds may be seen as generalized phase spaces of time-dependent Hamiltonian systems. Thus we extend the results of I. Vaisman for the time-dependent case.
We deal with locally connected exceptional minimal sets of surface homeomorphisms. If the surface is different from the torus, such a minimal set is either finite or a finite disjoint union of simple closed curves. On the torus, such a set can admit also a structure similar to that of the Sierpiński curve.
A new class of dynamical systems is defined, the class of “locally equicontinuous systems” (LE). We show that the property LE is inherited by factors as well as subsystems, and is closed under the operations of pointed products and inverse limits. In other words, the locally equicontinuous functions in form a uniformly closed translation invariant subalgebra. We show that WAP ⊂ LE ⊂ AE, where WAP is the class of weakly almost periodic systems and AE the class of almost equicontinuous systems....
This paper is devoted to the study of a coupled system which consists of a wave equation and a heat equation coupled through a transmission condition along a steady interface. This system is a linearized model for fluid-structure interaction introduced by Rauch, Zhang and Zuazua for a simple transmission condition and by Zhang and Zuazua for a natural transmission condition. Using an abstract theorem of Burq and a new Carleman estimate proved near the interface, we complete the results obtained...