Displaying 1241 – 1260 of 4754

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Dynamics of dianalytic transformations of Klein surfaces

Ilie Barza, Dorin Ghisa (2004)

Mathematica Bohemica

This paper is an introduction to dynamics of dianalytic self-maps of nonorientable Klein surfaces. The main theorem asserts that dianalytic dynamics on Klein surfaces can be canonically reduced to dynamics of some classes of analytic self-maps on their orientable double covers. A complete list of those maps is given in the case where the respective Klein surfaces are the real projective plane, the pointed real projective plane and the Klein bottle.

Dynamics of meromorphic maps with small topological degree III: geometric currents and ergodic theory

Jeffrey Diller, Romain Dujardin, Vincent Guedj (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We continue our study of the dynamics of mappings with small topological degree on projective complex surfaces. Previously, under mild hypotheses, we have constructed an ergodic “equilibrium” measure for each such mapping. Here we study the dynamical properties of this measure in detail: we give optimal bounds for its Lyapunov exponents, prove that it has maximal entropy, and show that it has product structure in the natural extension. Under a natural further assumption, we show that saddle points...

Dynamics of quadratic polynomials : complex bounds for real maps

Mikhail Lyubich, Michael Yampolsky (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We prove complex bounds for infinitely renormalizable real quadratic maps with essentially bounded combinatorics. This is the last missing ingredient in the problem of complex bounds for all infinitely renormalizable real quadratics. One of the corollaries is that the Julia set of any real quadratic map z z 2 + c , c [ - 2 , 1 / 4 ] , is locally connected.

Dynamics of Singularity Surfaces for Compressible Navier-Stokes Flows in Two Space Dimensions

David Hoff (2001)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

We prove the global existence of solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations of compressible, barotropic flow in two space dimensions with piecewise smooth initial data. These solutions remain piecewise smooth for all time, retaining simple jump discontinuities in the density and in the divergence of the velocity across a smooth curve, which is convected with the flow. The strengths of these discontinuities are shown to decay exponentially in time, more rapidly for larger acoustic speeds and smaller...

Dynamics of Stochastic Neuronal Networks and the Connections to Random Graph Theory

R. E. Lee DeVille, C. S. Peskin, J. H. Spencer (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We analyze a stochastic neuronal network model which corresponds to an all-to-all network of discretized integrate-and-fire neurons where the synapses are failure-prone. This network exhibits different phases of behavior corresponding to synchrony and asynchrony, and we show that this is due to the limiting mean-field system possessing multiple attractors. We also show that this mean-field limit exhibits a first-order phase transition as a function...

Dynamics of symmetric holomorphic maps on projective spaces.

Kohei Ueno (2007)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We consider complex dynamics of a critically finite holomorphic map from Pk to Pk, which has symmetries associated with the symmetric group Sk+2 acting on Pk, for each k ≥1. The Fatou set of each map of this family consists of attractive basins of superattracting points. Each map of this family satisfies Axiom A.

Dynamics on Character Varieties and Malgrange irreducibility of Painlevé VI equation

Serge Cantat, Frank Loray (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider representations of the fundamental group of the four punctured sphere into SL ( 2 , ) . The moduli space of representations modulo conjugacy is the character variety. The Mapping Class Group of the punctured sphere acts on this space by symplectic polynomial automorphisms. This dynamical system can be interpreted as the monodromy of the Painlevé VI equation. Infinite bounded orbits are characterized: they come from SU ( 2 ) -representations. We prove the absence of invariant affine structure (and invariant...

Dynamics on Hubbard trees

Lluís Alsedà, Núria Fagella (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is well known that the Hubbard tree of a postcritically finite complex polynomial contains all the combinatorial information on the polynomial. In fact, an abstract Hubbard tree as defined in [23] uniquely determines the polynomial up to affine conjugation. In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions enabling one to deduce directly from the restriction of a quadratic Misiurewicz polynomial to its Hubbard tree whether the polynomial is renormalizable, and in this case, of which type....

Currently displaying 1241 – 1260 of 4754