Displaying 1581 – 1600 of 4754

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Flots d'Anosov sur les variétés graphées au sens de Waldhausen

Thierry Barbot (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Cet article est consacré à l’étude d’une large classe de flots d’Anosov sur les variétés graphées. Nous établissons un résultat général à propos des plongements de variétés de Seifert dans les variétés de dimension 3 admettant un flot d’Anosov produit, généralisant ainsi un résultat de E. Ghys. Nous montrons que, à isotopie près, la restriction du feuilletage unidimensionnel défini par le flot à l’image de ce plongement est topologiquement conjugué à un morceau de flot géodésique privé d’un nombre...

Flow compactifications of nondiscrete monoids, idempotents and Hindman’s theorem

Richard N. Ball, James N. Hagler (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We describe the extension of the multiplication on a not-necessarily-discrete topological monoid to its flow compactification. We offer two applications. The first is a nondiscrete version of Hindman’s Theorem, and the second is a characterization of the projective minimal and elementary flows in terms of idempotents of the flow compactification of the monoid.

Flowability of plane homeomorphisms

Frédéric Le Roux, Anthony G. O’Farrell, Maria Roginskaya, Ian Short (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We describe necessary and sufficient conditions for a fixed point free planar homeomorphism that preserves the standard Reeb foliation to embed in a planar flow that leaves the foliation invariant.

Flows near compact invariant sets. Part I

Pedro Teixeira (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is proved that near a compact, invariant, proper subset of a C⁰ flow on a locally compact, connected metric space, at least one, out of twenty eight relevant dynamical phenomena, will necessarily occur. Theorem 1 shows that the connectedness of the phase space implies the existence of a considerably deeper classification of topological flow behaviour in the vicinity of compact invariant sets than that described in the classical theorems of Ura-Kimura and Bhatia. The proposed classification brings...

Flows of flowable Reeb homeomorphisms

Shigenori Matsumoto (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider a fixed point free homeomorphism h of the closed band B = × [ 0 , 1 ] which leaves each leaf of a Reeb foliation on B invariant. Assuming h is the time one of various topological flows, we compare the restriction of the flows on the boundary.

Currently displaying 1581 – 1600 of 4754