Displaying 1721 – 1740 of 4754

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Geometric integrators for piecewise smooth Hamiltonian systems

Philippe Chartier, Erwan Faou (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper, we consider C1,1 Hamiltonian systems. We prove the existence of a first derivative of the flow with respect to initial values and show that it satisfies the symplecticity condition almost everywhere in the phase-space. In a second step, we present a geometric integrator for such systems (called the SDH method) based on B-splines interpolation and a splitting method introduced by McLachlan and Quispel [Appl. Numer. Math. 45 (2003) 411–418], and we prove it is convergent, and that...

Geometric mechanics on nonholonomic submanifolds

Olga Krupková (2010)

Communications in Mathematics

In this survey article, nonholonomic mechanics is presented as a part of geometric mechanics. We follow a geometric setting where the constraint manifold is a submanifold in a jet bundle, and a nonholonomic system is modelled as an exterior differential system on the constraint manifold. The approach admits to apply coordinate independent methods, and is not limited to Lagrangian systems under linear constraints. The new methods apply to general (possibly nonconservative) mechanical systems subject...

Geometric quantization and no-go theorems

Viktor Ginzburg, Richard Montgomery (2000)

Banach Center Publications

A geometric quantization of a Kähler manifold, viewed as a symplectic manifold, depends on the complex structure compatible with the symplectic form. The quantizations form a vector bundle over the space of such complex structures. Having a canonical quantization would amount to finding a natural (projectively) flat connection on this vector bundle. We prove that for a broad class of manifolds, including symplectic homogeneous spaces (e.g., the sphere), such connection does not exist. This is a...

Geometric realization and coincidence for reducible non-unimodular Pisot tiling spaces with an application to β -shifts

Veronica Baker, Marcy Barge, Jaroslaw Kwapisz (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

This article is devoted to the study of the translation flow on self-similar tilings associated with a substitution of Pisot type. We construct a geometric representation and give necessary and sufficient conditions for the flow to have pure discrete spectrum. As an application we demonstrate that, for certain beta-shifts, the natural extension is naturally isomorphic to a toral automorphism.

Currently displaying 1721 – 1740 of 4754