Displaying 1881 – 1900 of 4754

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Highest Weight Modules of W1+∞, Darboux Transformations and the Bispectral Problem

Bakalov, B., Horozov, E., Yakimov, M. (1997)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

This paper is a survey of our recent results on the bispectral problem. We describe a new method for constructing bispectral algebras of any rank and illustrate the method by a series of new examples as well as by all previously known ones. Next we exhibit a close connection of the bispectral problem to the representation theory of W1+∞–algerba. This connection allows us to explain and generalise to any rank the result of Magri and Zubelli on the symmetries of the manifold of the bispectral operators...

High-order phase transitions in the quadratic family

Daniel Coronel, Juan Rivera-Letelier (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We give the first example of a transitive quadratic map whose real and complex geometric pressure functions have a high-order phase transition. In fact, we show that this phase transition resembles a Kosterlitz-Thouless singularity: Near the critical parameter the geometric pressure function behaves as x exp ( x 2 ) near x = 0 , before becoming linear. This quadratic map has a non-recurrent critical point, so it is non-uniformly hyperbolic in a strong sense.

Hofer’s metrics and boundary depth

Michael Usher (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We show that if ( M , ω ) is a closed symplectic manifold which admits a nontrivial Hamiltonian vector field all of whose contractible closed orbits are constant, then Hofer’s metric on the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of  ( M , ω ) has infinite diameter, and indeed admits infinite-dimensional quasi-isometrically embedded normed vector spaces. A similar conclusion applies to Hofer’s metric on various spaces of Lagrangian submanifolds, including those Hamiltonian-isotopic to the diagonal in  M × M when M satisfies...

Holomorphic foliations by curves on 3 with non-isolated singularities

Gilcione Nonato Costa (2006)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Let be a holomorphic foliation by curves on 3 . We treat the case where the set Sing ( ) consists of disjoint regular curves and some isolated points outside of them. In this situation, using Baum-Bott’s formula and Porteuos’theorem, we determine the number of isolated singularities, counted with multiplicities, in terms of the degree of , the multiplicity of along the curves and the degree and genus of the curves.

Homeomorphisms of composants of Knaster continua

Sonja Štimac (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The Knaster continuum K p is defined as the inverse limit of the pth degree tent map. On every composant of the Knaster continuum we introduce an order and we consider some special points of the composant. These are used to describe the structure of the composants. We then prove that, for any integer p ≥ 2, all composants of K p having no endpoints are homeomorphic. This generalizes Bandt’s result which concerns the case p = 2.

Homeomorphisms of inverse limit spaces of one-dimensional maps

Marcy Barge, Beverly Diamond (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We present a new technique for showing that inverse limit spaces of certain one-dimensional Markov maps are not homeomorphic. In particular, the inverse limit spaces for the three maps from the tent family having periodic kneading sequence of length five are not homeomorphic.

Homoclinic orbits for a class of singular second order Hamiltonian systems in ℝ3

Joanna Janczewska, Jakub Maksymiuk (2012)

Open Mathematics

We consider a conservative second order Hamiltonian system q ¨ + V ( q ) = 0 in ℝ3 with a potential V having a global maximum at the origin and a line l ∩ 0 = ϑ as a set of singular points. Under a certain compactness condition on V at infinity and a strong force condition at singular points we study, by the use of variational methods and geometrical arguments, the existence of homoclinic solutions of the system.

Currently displaying 1881 – 1900 of 4754