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Some new examples of recurrence and non-recurrence sets for products of rotations on the unit circle

Sophie Grivaux, Maria Roginskaya (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study recurrence and non-recurrence sets for dynamical systems on compact spaces, in particular for products of rotations on the unit circle 𝕋 . A set of integers is called r -Bohr if it is recurrent for all products of r rotations on 𝕋 , and Bohr if it is recurrent for all products of rotations on 𝕋 . It is a result due to Katznelson that for each r 1 there exist sets of integers which are r -Bohr but not ( r + 1 ) -Bohr. We present new examples of r -Bohr sets which are not Bohr, thanks to a construction which...

Stable rank and real rank of compact transformation group C*-algebras

Robert J. Archbold, Eberhard Kaniuth (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let (G,X) be a transformation group, where X is a locally compact Hausdorff space and G is a compact group. We investigate the stable rank and the real rank of the transformation group C*-algebra C₀(X)⋊ G. Explicit formulae are given in the case where X and G are second countable and X is locally of finite G-orbit type. As a consequence, we calculate the ranks of the group C*-algebra C*(ℝⁿ ⋊ G), where G is a connected closed subgroup of SO(n) acting on ℝⁿ by rotation.

The branch locus for one-dimensional Pisot tiling spaces

Marcy Barge, Beverly Diamond, Richard Swanson (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

If φ is a Pisot substitution of degree d, then the inflation and substitution homeomorphism Φ on the tiling space Φ factors via geometric realization onto a d-dimensional solenoid. Under this realization, the collection of Φ-periodic asymptotic tilings corresponds to a finite set that projects onto the branch locus in a d-torus. We prove that if two such tiling spaces are homeomorphic, then the resulting branch loci are the same up to the action of certain affine maps on the torus.

The nonexistence of universal metric flows

Stefan Geschke (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We consider dynamical systems of the form ( X , f ) where X is a compact metric space and f : X X is either a continuous map or a homeomorphism and provide a new proof that there is no universal metric dynamical system of this kind. The same is true for metric minimal dynamical systems and for metric abstract ω -limit sets, answering a question by Will Brian.

The universal minimal system for the group of homeomorphisms of the Cantor set

E. Glasner, B. Weiss (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Each topological group G admits a unique universal minimal dynamical system (M(G),G). For a locally compact noncompact group this is a nonmetrizable system with a rich structure, on which G acts effectively. However there are topological groups for which M(G) is the trivial one-point system (extremely amenable groups), as well as topological groups G for which M(G) is a metrizable space and for which one has an explicit description. We show that for the topological group G = Homeo(E) of self-homeomorphisms...

Topological conjugation classes of tightly transitive subgroups of Homeo₊(ℝ)

Enhui Shi, Lizhen Zhou (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let ℝ be the real line and let Homeo₊(ℝ) be the orientation preserving homeomorphism group of ℝ. Then a subgroup G of Homeo₊(ℝ) is called tightly transitive if there is some point x ∈ X such that the orbit Gx is dense in X and no subgroups H of G with |G:H| = ∞ have this property. In this paper, for each integer n > 1, we determine all the topological conjugation classes of tightly transitive subgroups G of Homeo₊(ℝ) which are isomorphic to ℤⁿ and have countably many nontransitive points.

Topological dynamics of unordered Ramsey structures

Moritz Müller, András Pongrácz (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate the connections between Ramsey properties of Fraïssé classes and the universal minimal flow M ( G ) of the automorphism group G of their Fraïssé limits. As an extension of a result of Kechris, Pestov and Todorcevic (2005) we show that if the class has finite Ramsey degree for embeddings, then this degree equals the size of M ( G ) . We give a partial answer to a question of Angel, Kechris and Lyons (2014) showing that if is a relational Ramsey class and G is amenable, then M ( G ) admits a unique invariant...

Topological friction in aperiodic minimal m -actions

Jarosław Kwapisz (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For a continuous map f preserving orbits of an aperiodic m -action on a compact space, its displacement function assigns to x the “time” t m it takes to move x to f(x). We show that this function is continuous if the action is minimal. In particular, f is homotopic to the identity along the orbits of the action.

Topological size of scrambled sets

François Blanchard, Wen Huang, L'ubomír Snoha (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A subset S of a topological dynamical system (X,f) containing at least two points is called a scrambled set if for any x,y ∈ S with x ≠ y one has l i m i n f n d ( f ( x ) , f ( y ) ) = 0 and l i m s u p n d ( f ( x ) , f ( y ) ) > 0 , d being the metric on X. The system (X,f) is called Li-Yorke chaotic if it has an uncountable scrambled set. These notions were developed in the context of interval maps, in which the existence of a two-point scrambled set implies Li-Yorke chaos and many other chaotic properties. In the present paper we address several questions about scrambled...

Topological transitivity of solvable group actions on the line ℝ

Suhua Wang, Enhui Shi, Lizhen Zhou, Grant Cairns (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let ϕ:G → Homeo₊(ℝ) be an orientation preserving action of a discrete solvable group G on ℝ. In this paper, the topological transitivity of ϕ is investigated. In particular, the relations between the dynamical complexity of G and the algebraic structure of G are considered.

Two commuting maps without common minimal points

Tomasz Downarowicz (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We construct an example of two commuting homeomorphisms S, T of a compact metric space X such that the union of all minimal sets for S is disjoint from the union of all minimal sets for T. In other words, there are no common minimal points. This answers negatively a question posed in [C-L]. We remark that Furstenberg proved the existence of "doubly recurrent" points (see [F]). Not only are these points recurrent under both S and T, but they recur along the same sequence of powers. Our example shows...

Weak mixing and product recurrence

Piotr Oprocha (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this article we study the structure of the set of weakly product recurrent points. Among others, we provide necessary conditions (related to topological weak mixing) which imply that the set of weakly product recurrent points is residual. Additionally, some new results about the class of systems disjoint from every minimal system are obtained.

When every point is either transitive or periodic

Tomasz Downarowicz, Xiangdong Ye (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study transitive non-minimal ℕ-actions and ℤ-actions. We show that there are such actions whose non-transitive points are periodic and whose topological entropy is positive. It turns out that such actions can be obtained by perturbing minimal systems under some reasonable assumptions.

Which Bernoulli measures are good measures?

Ethan Akin, Randall Dougherty, R. Daniel Mauldin, Andrew Yingst (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For measures on a Cantor space, the demand that the measure be "good" is a useful homogeneity condition. We examine the question of when a Bernoulli measure on the sequence space for an alphabet of size n is good. Complete answers are given for the n = 2 cases and the rational cases. Partial results are obtained for the general cases.

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