Displaying 41 – 60 of 156

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Flots d'Anosov sur les variétés graphées au sens de Waldhausen

Thierry Barbot (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Cet article est consacré à l’étude d’une large classe de flots d’Anosov sur les variétés graphées. Nous établissons un résultat général à propos des plongements de variétés de Seifert dans les variétés de dimension 3 admettant un flot d’Anosov produit, généralisant ainsi un résultat de E. Ghys. Nous montrons que, à isotopie près, la restriction du feuilletage unidimensionnel défini par le flot à l’image de ce plongement est topologiquement conjugué à un morceau de flot géodésique privé d’un nombre...

Hyperbolic homeomorphisms and bishadowing

P. E. Kloeden, J. Ombach (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Hyperbolic homeomorphisms on compact manifolds are shown to have both inverse shadowing and bishadowing properties with respect to a class of δ-methods which are represented by continuous mappings from the manifold into the space of bi-infinite sequences in the manifold with the product topology. Topologically stable homeomorphisms and expanding mappings are also considered.

Hyperbolicity in a class of one-dimensional maps.

Gregory J. Davis (1990)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this paper we provide a direct proof of hyperbolicity for a class of one-dimensional maps on the unit interval. The maps studied are degenerate forms of the standard quadratic map on the interval. These maps are important in understanding the Newhouse theory of infinitely many sinks due to homoclinic tangencies in two dimensions.

Invariant densities for C¹ maps

Anthony Quas (1996)

Studia Mathematica

We consider the set of C 1 expanding maps of the circle which have a unique absolutely continuous invariant probability measure whose density is unbounded, and show that this set is dense in the space of C 1 expanding maps with the C 1 topology. This is in contrast with results for C 2 or C 1 + ε maps, where the invariant densities can be shown to be continuous.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 156