Displaying 121 – 140 of 347

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Extension via interpolation

A. Goncharov (2005)

Banach Center Publications

We suggest a modification of the Pawłucki and Pleśniak method to construct a continuous linear extension operator by means of interpolation polynomials. As an illustration we present explicitly the extension operator for the space of Whitney functions given on the Cantor ternary set.

Finite-difference preconditioners for superconsistent pseudospectral approximations

Lorella Fatone, Daniele Funaro, Valentina Scannavini (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The superconsistent collocation method, which is based on a collocation grid different from the one used to represent the solution, has proven to be very accurate in the resolution of various functional equations. Excellent results can be also obtained for what concerns preconditioning. Some analysis and numerous experiments, regarding the use of finite-differences preconditioners, for matrices arising from pseudospectral approximations of advection-diffusion boundary value problems, are presented...

I-convergence theorems for a class of k-positive linear operators

Mehmet Özarslan (2009)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we obtain some approximation theorems for k- positive linear operators defined on the space of analytical functions on the unit disc, via I-convergence. Some concluding remarks which includes A-statistical convergence are also given.

Ideal interpolation: Mourrain's condition vs. D-invariance

C. de Boor (2006)

Banach Center Publications

Mourrain [Mo] characterizes those linear projectors on a finite-dimensional polynomial space that can be extended to an ideal projector, i.e., a projector on polynomials whose kernel is an ideal. This is important in the construction of normal form algorithms for a polynomial ideal. Mourrain's characterization requires the polynomial space to be 'connected to 1', a condition that is implied by D-invariance in case the polynomial space is spanned by monomials. We give examples to show that, for more...

Implementation of optimal Galerkin and Collocation approximations of PDEs with Random Coefficients⋆⋆⋆

J. Beck, F. Nobile, L. Tamellini, R. Tempone (2011)

ESAIM: Proceedings

In this work we first focus on the Stochastic Galerkin approximation of the solution u of an elliptic stochastic PDE. We rely on sharp estimates for the decay of the coefficients of the spectral expansion of u on orthogonal polynomials to build a sequence of polynomial subspaces that features better convergence properties compared to standard polynomial subspaces such as Total Degree or Tensor Product. We consider then the Stochastic Collocation method, and use the previous estimates to introduce...

Józef Marcinkiewicz (1910-1940) - on the centenary of his birth

Lech Maligranda (2011)

Banach Center Publications

Józef Marcinkiewicz’s (1910-1940) name is not known by many people, except maybe a small group of mathematicians, although his influence on the analysis and probability theory of the twentieth century was enormous. This survey of his life and work is in honour of the 100 t h anniversary of his birth and 70 t h anniversary of his death. The discussion is divided into two periods of Marcinkiewicz’s life. First, 1910-1933, that is, from his birth to his graduation from the University of Stefan Batory in Vilnius,...

King type modification of q -Bernstein-Schurer operators

Mei-Ying Ren, Xiao-Ming Zeng (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Very recently the q -Bernstein-Schurer operators which reproduce only constant function were introduced and studied by C. V. Muraru (2011). Inspired by J. P. King, Positive linear operators which preserve x 2 (2003), in this paper we modify q -Bernstein-Schurer operators to King type modification of q -Bernstein-Schurer operators, so that these operators reproduce constant as well as quadratic test functions x 2 and study the approximation properties of these operators. We establish a convergence theorem...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 347