Displaying 41 – 60 of 184

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Best N-term approximation in electronic structure calculations I. One-electron reduced density matrix

Heinz-Jürgen Flad, Wolfgang Hackbusch, Reinhold Schneider (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We discuss best N-term approximation spaces for one-electron wavefunctions φ i and reduced density matrices ρ emerging from Hartree-Fock and density functional theory. The approximation spaces A q α ( H 1 ) for anisotropic wavelet tensor product bases have been recently characterized by Nitsche in terms of tensor product Besov spaces. We have used the norm equivalence of these spaces to weighted q spaces of wavelet coefficients to proof that both φ i and ρ are in A q α ( H 1 ) for all α > 0 with α = 1 q - 1 2 . Our proof is based on the...

Biquadratic splines interpolating mean values

Jiří Kobza, Jan Mlčák (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

Continuity conditions for a biquadratic spline interpolating given mean values in terms of proper parameters are given. Boundary conditions determining such a spline and the algorithm for computing local parameters for the given data are studied. The notion of the natural spline and its extremal property is mentioned.

Data approximation using polyharmonic radial basis functions

Segeth, Karel (2021)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The paper is concerned with the approximation and interpolation employing polyharmonic splines in multivariate problems. The properties of approximants and interpolants based on these radial basis functions are shown. The methods of such data fitting are applied in practice to treat the problems of, e.g., geographic information systems, signal processing, etc. A simple 1D computational example is presented.

Equivalence of measures of smoothness in L p ( S d - 1 ) , 1 < p < ∞

F. Dai, Z. Ditzian, Hongwei Huang (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Suppose Δ̃ is the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the sphere S d - 1 , Δ ρ k f ( x ) = Δ ρ Δ ρ k - 1 f ( x ) and Δ ρ f ( x ) = f ( ρ x ) - f ( x ) where ρ ∈ SO(d). Then ω m ( f , t ) L p ( S d - 1 ) s u p Δ ρ m f L p ( S d - 1 ) : ρ S O ( d ) , m a x x S d - 1 ρ x · x c o s t and K ̃ ( f , t m ) p i n f f - g L p ( S d - 1 ) + t m ( - Δ ̃ ) m / 2 g L p ( S d - 1 ) : g ( ( - Δ ̃ ) m / 2 ) are equivalent for 1 < p < ∞. We note that for even m the relation was recently investigated by the second author. The equivalence yields an extension of the results on sharp Jackson inequalities on the sphere. A new strong converse inequality for L p ( S d - 1 ) given in this paper plays a significant role in the proof.

Estimates for spline projections

J. H. Bramble, A. H. Schatz (1976)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 184