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Fonctions définies dans le plan et vérifiant certaines propriétés de moyenne

Alain Yger (1981)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit a un réel de ] 0 , 1 [ . Nous étudions le système d’équations de convolution suivant ( * ) x R 2 , f ( x ) = 1 4 ϵ = ± 1 ϵ ' = ± 1 f ( x + ( ϵ , ϵ ' ) ) = 1 4 ϵ = ± 1 ϵ ' = ± 1 f ( x + a ( ϵ , ϵ ' ) ) . Nous démontrons que les exponentielles polynômes solutions de ( * ) sont denses dans l’espace des solutions C du système d’équations; l’idéal de ' ( R 2 ) engendré par les transformées de Fourier des deux mesures intervenant ici est “slowly decreasing” au sens de Berenstein-Taylor. Lorsque a n’est pas un nombre de Liouville, nous montrons qu’il existe un ouvert relativement compact telle que toute solution distribution de ( * ) régulière...

Fourier analysis in several parameters.

Robert Fefferman (1986)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Clearly, one of the most basic contributions to the fields of real variables, partial differential equations and Fourier analysis in recent times has been the celebrated theorem of Calderón and Zygmund on the boundedness of singular integrals on Rn [1].

Fourier analysis, linear programming, and densities of distance avoiding sets in n

Fernando Mário de Oliveira Filho, Frank Vallentin (2010)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We derive new upper bounds for the densities of measurable sets in n which avoid a finite set of prescribed distances. The new bounds come from the solution of a linear programming problem. We apply this method to obtain new upper bounds for measurable sets which avoid the unit distance in dimensions 2 , , 24 . This gives new lower bounds for the measurable chromatic number in dimensions 3 , , 24 . We apply it to get a short proof of a variant of a recent result of Bukh which in turn generalizes theorems of Furstenberg,...

Fourier approach to homogenization problems

Carlos Conca, M. Vanninathan (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This article is divided into two chapters. The classical problem of homogenization of elliptic operators with periodically oscillating coefficients is revisited in the first chapter. Following a Fourier approach, we discuss some of the basic issues of the subject: main convergence theorem, Bloch approximation, estimates on second order derivatives, correctors for the medium, and so on. The second chapter is devoted to the discussion of some non-classical behaviour of vibration problems of periodic...

Fourier approach to homogenization problems

Carlos Conca, M. Vanninathan (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This article is divided into two chapters. The classical problem of homogenization of elliptic operators with periodically oscillating coefficients is revisited in the first chapter. Following a Fourier approach, we discuss some of the basic issues of the subject: main convergence theorem, Bloch approximation, estimates on second order derivatives, correctors for the medium, and so on. The second chapter is devoted to the discussion of some non-classical behaviour of vibration problems of periodic...

Fourier coefficients of continuous functions and a class of multipliers

Serguei V. Kislyakov (1988)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

If x is a bounded function on Z , the multiplier with symbol x (denoted by M x ) is defined by ( M x f ) ^ = x f ^ , f L 2 ( T ) . We give some conditions on x ensuring the “interpolation inequality” M x f L p C f L 1 α M x f L q 1 - α (here 1 < p < q and α = α ( p , q , x ) is between 0 and 1). In most cases considered M x fails to have stronger L 1 -regularity properties (e.g. fails to be of weak type (1,1)). The results are applied to prove that for many sets E Z every positive sequence in 2 ( E ) can be majorized by the sequence { ...

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