Displaying 1541 – 1560 of 2299

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Quotient groups of non-nuclear spaces for which the Bochner theorem fails completely

Robert Stegliński (2005)

Studia Mathematica

It is proved that every real metrizable locally convex space which is not nuclear contains a closed additive subgroup K such that the quotient group G = (span K)/K admits a non-trivial continuous positive definite function, but no non-trivial continuous character. Consequently, G cannot satisfy any form of the Bochner theorem.

Quotients de fonctions définies-négatives et synthèse spectrale

Francis Hirsch (1980)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On considère l’espace E = L 2 ( Ψ 2 . Ψ 1 - 1 d x ) Ψ 2 et Ψ 1 sont deux fonctions définies-négatives, réelles et continues sur R n . On étudie la possibilité d’approcher, au sens de la norme de E , tout élément φ de E par des combinaisons linéaires d’éléments de E qui sont transformés de Fourier de mesures positives de support inclus dans le spectre de φ . Des méthodes de théorie du potentiel permettent de donner une réponse positive (sous certaines hypothèses additionnelles). On obtient ainsi des généralisations, au cas de R n ,...

Random walks on free products

M. Gabriella Kuhn (1991)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let G = * j = 1 q + 1 G n j + 1 be the product of q + 1 finite groups each having order n j + 1 and let μ be the probability measure which takes the value p j / n j on each element of G n j + 1 { e } . In this paper we shall describe the point spectrum of μ in C reg * ( G ) and the corresponding eigenspaces. In particular we shall see that the point spectrum occurs only for suitable choices of the numbers n j . We also compute the continuous spectrum of μ in C reg * ( G ) in several cases. A family of irreducible representations of G , parametrized on the continuous spectrum of μ ,...

Random walks on the affine group of local fields and of homogeneous trees

Donald I. Cartwright, Vadim A. Kaimanovich, Wolfgang Woess (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The affine group of a local field acts on the tree 𝕋 ( 𝔉 ) (the Bruhat-Tits building of GL ( 2 , 𝔉 ) ) with a fixed point in the space of ends 𝕋 ( F ) . More generally, we define the affine group Aff ( 𝔉 ) of any homogeneous tree 𝕋 as the group of all automorphisms of 𝕋 with a common fixed point in 𝕋 , and establish main asymptotic properties of random products in Aff ( 𝔉 ) : (1) law of large numbers and central limit theorem; (2) convergence to 𝕋 and solvability of the Dirichlet problem at infinity; (3) identification of the Poisson boundary...

Random weighted Sidon sets

Kathryn Hare (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We investigate random Sidon-type sets in which the degrees of the representations are weighted. These variants of Sidon sets are of interest as there are compact non-abelian groups which admit no infinite Sidon sets. In this note we determine the largest weight function such that infinite random weighted Sidon sets exist in all infinite compact groups.

Range of the horocyclic Radon transform on trees

Enrico Casadio Tarabusi, Joel M. Cohen, Flavia Colonna (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this paper we study the Radon transform R on the set of horocycles of a homogeneous tree T , and describe its image on various function spaces. We show that the functions of compact support on that satisfy two explicit Radon conditions constitute the image under R of functions of finite support on T . We extend these results to spaces of functions with suitable decay on T , whose image under R satisfies corresponding decay conditions and contains distributions on that are not defined pointwise....

Currently displaying 1541 – 1560 of 2299