Displaying 181 – 200 of 234

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Geometry of the Banach spaces C(βℕ × K,X) for compact metric spaces K

Dale E. Alspach, Elói Medina Galego (2011)

Studia Mathematica

A classical result of Cembranos and Freniche states that the C(K,X) space contains a complemented copy of c₀ whenever K is an infinite compact Hausdorff space and X is an infinite-dimensional Banach space. This paper takes this result as a starting point and begins a study of conditions under which the spaces C(α), α < ω₁, are quotients of or complemented in C(K,X). In contrast to the c₀ result, we prove that if C(βℕ ×[1,ω],X) contains a complemented copy of C ( ω ω ) then X contains a copy of c₀. Moreover,...

Geometry of the spectral semidistance in Banach algebras

Gareth Braatvedt, Rudi Brits (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let A be a unital Banach algebra over , and suppose that the nonzero spectral values of a and b A are discrete sets which cluster at 0 , if anywhere. We develop a plane geometric formula for the spectral semidistance of a and b which depends on the two spectra, and the orthogonality relationships between the corresponding sets of Riesz projections associated with the nonzero spectral values. Extending a result of Brits and Raubenheimer, we further show that a and b are quasinilpotent equivalent if...

Global existence for a Riccati equation arising in a boundary control problem for distributed parameters

Franco Flandoli (1982)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si prova resistenza globale della soluzione di una equazione di Riccati collegata alla sintesi di un problema di controllo ottimale. Il problema considerato rappresenta la versione astratta di alcuni problemi governati da equazioni paraboliche con il controllo sulla frontiera.

G-narrow operators and G-rich subspaces

Tetiana Ivashyna (2013)

Open Mathematics

Let X and Y be Banach spaces. An operator G: X → Y is a Daugavet center if ‖G +T‖ = ‖G‖+‖T‖ for every rank-1 operator T. For every Daugavet center G we consider a certain set of operators acting from X, so-called G-narrow operators. We prove that if J is the natural embedding of Y into a Banach space E, then E can be equivalently renormed so that an operator T is (J ○ G)-narrow if and only if T is G-narrow. We study G-rich subspaces of X: Z ⊂ X is called G-rich if the quotient map q: X → X/Z is...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 234