Displaying 201 – 220 of 445

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Relaxation of vectorial variational problems

Tomáš Roubíček (1995)

Mathematica Bohemica

Multidimensional vectorial non-quasiconvex variational problems are relaxed by means of a generalized-Young-functional technique. Selective first-order optimality conditions, having the form of an Euler-Weiestrass condition involving minors, are formulated in a special, rather a model case when the potential has a polyconvex quasiconvexification.

Remark on the Abstract Dirichlet Problem for Baire-One Functions

Ondřej F. K. Kalenda (2005)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We study the possibility of extending any bounded Baire-one function on the set of extreme points of a compact convex set to an affine Baire-one function and related questions. We give complete solutions to these questions within a class of Choquet simplices introduced by P. J. Stacey (1979). In particular we get an example of a Choquet simplex such that its set of extreme points is not Borel but any bounded Baire-one function on the set of extreme points can be extended to an affine Baire-one function....

Remarks and examples concerning distance ellipsoids

Dirk Praetorius (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We provide for every 2 ≤ k ≤ n an n-dimensional Banach space E with a unique distance ellipsoid such that there are precisely k linearly independent contact points between and B E . The corresponding result holds for spaces with non-unique distance ellipsoids as well. We construct n-dimensional Banach spaces E such that one distance ellipsoid has precisely k linearly independent contact points and all other distance ellipsoids have less than k-1 such points.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 445