Displaying 221 – 240 of 445

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Remarks on bounded sets in ( L F ) t v -spaces

Jerzy Kąkol (1995)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We establish the relationship between regularity of a Hausdorff ( L B ) t v -space and its properties like (K), M.c.c., sequential completeness, local completeness. We give a sufficient and necessary condition for a Hausdorff ( L B ) t v -space to be an ( L S ) t v -space. A factorization theorem for ( L N ) t v -spaces with property (K) is also obtained.

Remarks on Catalan and super-Catalan numbers

Anna Dorota Krystek, Łukasz Jan Wojakowski (2011)

Banach Center Publications

In this article we discuss the Catalan and super-Catalan (or Schröder) numbers. We start with some combinatorial interpretations of those numbers. We study two probability measures in the context of free probability, one whose moments are super-Catalan, and another, whose even moments are super-Catalan and odd moments are zero. With the use of the latter we also show some new formulae for evaluation of the Catalans in terms of super-Catalans and vice-versa.

Remarks on conditional moments of the free deformed Poisson random variables

Wiktor Ejsmont (2011)

Banach Center Publications

We will show that the conditional first moment of the free deformed Poisson random variables (q = 0) corresponding to operators fulfilling the free relation is a linear function of the regression and the conditional variance also is a linear function of the regression. For this purpose we will first demonstrate some properties of the Wick product and then we will concentrate on the free deformed Poisson random variables.

Remarks on continuous images of Radon-Nikodým compacta

Marián J. Fabián, Martin Heisler, Eva Matoušková (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A family of compact spaces containing continuous images of Radon-Nikod’ym compacta is introduced and studied. A family of Banach spaces containing subspaces of Asplund generated (i.e., GSG) spaces is introduced and studied. Further, for a continuous image of a Radon-Nikod’ym compact K we prove: If K is totally disconnected, then it is Radon-Nikod’ym compact. If K is adequate, then it is even Eberlein compact.

Remarks on Fréchet differentiability of pointwise Lipschitz, cone-monotone and quasiconvex functions

Luděk Zajíček (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We present some consequences of a deep result of J. Lindenstrauss and D. Preiss on Γ -almost everywhere Fréchet differentiability of Lipschitz functions on c 0 (and similar Banach spaces). For example, in these spaces, every continuous real function is Fréchet differentiable at Γ -almost every x at which it is Gâteaux differentiable. Another interesting consequences say that both cone-monotone functions and continuous quasiconvex functions on these spaces are Γ -almost everywhere Fréchet differentiable....

Remarks on L B I -subalgebras of C ( X )

Mehdi Parsinia (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let A ( X ) denote a subalgebra of C ( X ) which is closed under local bounded inversion, briefly, an L B I -subalgebra. These subalgebras were first introduced and studied in Redlin L., Watson S., Structure spaces for rings of continuous functions with applications to realcompactifications, Fund. Math. 152 (1997), 151–163. By characterizing maximal ideals of A ( X ) , we generalize the notion of z A β -ideals, which was first introduced in Acharyya S.K., De D., An interesting class of ideals in subalgebras of C ( X ) containing...

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 445