Displaying 281 – 300 of 1952

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On complemented copies of c₀(ω₁) in C(Kⁿ) spaces

Leandro Candido, Piotr Koszmider (2016)

Studia Mathematica

Given a compact Hausdorff space K we consider the Banach space of real continuous functions C(Kⁿ) or equivalently the n-fold injective tensor product ̂ ε n C ( K ) or the Banach space of vector valued continuous functions C(K,C(K,C(K...,C(K)...). We address the question of the existence of complemented copies of c₀(ω₁) in ̂ ε n C ( K ) under the hypothesis that C(K) contains such a copy. This is related to the results of E. Saab and P. Saab that X ̂ ε Y contains a complemented copy of c₀ if one of the infinite-dimensional Banach...

On complete, precompact and compact sets.

Leonhard Frerick (1993)

Collectanea Mathematica

Completeness criterion of W. Robertson is generalized. Applications to vector valued sequences and to spaces of linear mappings are given.

On complete-cocomplete subspaces of an inner product space

David Buhagiar, Emmanuel Chetcuti (2005)

Applications of Mathematics

In this note we give a measure-theoretic criterion for the completeness of an inner product space. We show that an inner product space S is complete if and only if there exists a σ -additive state on C ( S ) , the orthomodular poset of complete-cocomplete subspaces of S . We then consider the problem of whether every state on E ( S ) , the class of splitting subspaces of S , can be extended to a Hilbertian state on E ( S ¯ ) ; we show that for the dense hyperplane S (of a separable Hilbert space) constructed by P. Pták and...

On completely bounded bimodule maps over W*-algebras

Bojan Magajna (2003)

Studia Mathematica

It is proved that for a von Neumann algebra A ⊆ B(ℋ ) the subspace of normal maps is dense in the space of all completely bounded A-bimodule homomorphisms of B(ℋ ) in the point norm topology if and only if the same holds for the corresponding unit balls, which is the case if and only if A is atomic with no central summands of type I , . Then a duality result for normal operator modules is presented and applied to the following problem. Given an operator space X and a von Neumann algebra A, is the map...

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 1952