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Displaying 261 – 280 of 1952

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On CLUR points of Orlicz spaces

Quandi Wang, Liang Zhao, Tingfu Wang (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Criteria for compactly locally uniformly rotund points in Orlicz spaces are given.

On coefficients of vector-valued Bloch functions

Oscar Blasco (2004)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a complex Banach space and let Bloch(X) denote the space of X-valued analytic functions on the unit disc such that s u p | z | < 1 ( 1 - | z | ² ) | | f ' ( z ) | | < . A sequence (Tₙ)ₙ of bounded operators between two Banach spaces X and Y is said to be an operator-valued multiplier between Bloch(X) and ℓ₁(Y) if the map n = 0 x z ( T ( x ) ) defines a bounded linear operator from Bloch(X) into ℓ₁(Y). It is shown that if X is a Hilbert space then (Tₙ)ₙ is a multiplier from Bloch(X) into ℓ₁(Y) if and only if s u p k n = 2 k 2 k + 1 | | T | | ² < . Several results about Taylor coefficients of vector-valued...

On coerciveness in Besov spaces for abstract parabolic equations of higher order

Yoshitaka Yamamoto (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We are concerned with a relation between parabolicity and coerciveness in Besov spaces for a higher order linear evolution equation in a Banach space. As proved in a preceding work, a higher order linear evolution equation enjoys coerciveness in Besov spaces under a certain parabolicity condition adopted and studied by several authors. We show that for a higher order linear evolution equation coerciveness in Besov spaces forces the parabolicity of the equation. We thus conclude that parabolicity...

On (Co)homology of triangular Banach algebras

Mohammad Sal Moslehian (2005)

Banach Center Publications

Suppose that A and B are unital Banach algebras with units 1 A and 1 B , respectively, M is a unital Banach A,B-module, = A M 0 B is the triangular Banach algebra, X is a unital -bimodule, X A A = 1 A X 1 A , X B B = 1 B X 1 B , X A B = 1 A X 1 B and X B A = 1 B X 1 A . Applying two nice long exact sequences related to A, B, , X, X A A , X B B , X A B and X B A we establish some results on (co)homology of triangular Banach algebras.

On coincidence of Pettis and McShane integrability

Marián J. Fabián (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

R. Deville and J. Rodríguez proved that, for every Hilbert generated space X , every Pettis integrable function f : [ 0 , 1 ] X is McShane integrable. R. Avilés, G. Plebanek, and J. Rodríguez constructed a weakly compactly generated Banach space X and a scalarly null (hence Pettis integrable) function from [ 0 , 1 ] into X , which was not McShane integrable. We study here the mechanism behind the McShane integrability of scalarly negligible functions from [ 0 , 1 ] (mostly) into C ( K ) spaces. We focus in more detail on the behavior...

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 1952