Displaying 2981 – 3000 of 13204

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Diagonals of projective tensor products and orthogonally additive polynomials

Qingying Bu, Gerard Buskes (2014)

Studia Mathematica

Let E be a Banach space with 1-unconditional basis. Denote by Δ ( ̂ n , π E ) (resp. Δ ( ̂ n , s , π E ) ) the main diagonal space of the n-fold full (resp. symmetric) projective Banach space tensor product, and denote by Δ ( ̂ n , | π | E ) (resp. Δ ( ̂ n , s , | π | E ) ) the main diagonal space of the n-fold full (resp. symmetric) projective Banach lattice tensor product. We show that these four main diagonal spaces are pairwise isometrically isomorphic, and in addition, that they are isometrically lattice isomorphic to E [ n ] , the completion of the n-concavification of...

Diagonals of Self-adjoint Operators with Finite Spectrum

Marcin Bownik, John Jasper (2015)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Given a finite set X⊆ ℝ we characterize the diagonals of self-adjoint operators with spectrum X. Our result extends the Schur-Horn theorem from a finite-dimensional setting to an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space analogous to Kadison's theorem for orthogonal projections (2002) and the second author's result for operators with three-point spectrum (2013).

Diameter 2 properties and convexity

Trond Arnold Abrahamsen, Petr Hájek, Olav Nygaard, Jarno Talponen, Stanimir Troyanski (2016)

Studia Mathematica

We present an equivalent midpoint locally uniformly rotund (MLUR) renorming of C[0,1] with the diameter 2 property (D2P), i.e. every non-empty relatively weakly open subset of the unit ball has diameter 2. An example of an MLUR space with the D2P and with convex combinations of slices of arbitrarily small diameter is also given.

Diameter, extreme points and topology

J. C. Navarro-Pascual, M. G. Sanchez-Lirola (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We study the extremal structure of Banach spaces of continuous functions with the diameter norm.

Diameter-preserving maps on various classes of function spaces

Bruce A. Barnes, Ashoke K. Roy (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Under some mild assumptions, non-linear diameter-preserving bijections between (vector-valued) function spaces are characterized with the help of a well-known theorem of Ulam and Mazur. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a diameter-preserving bijection between function spaces in the complex scalar case is derived, and a complete description of such maps is given in several important cases.

Diametral dimension of some pseudoconvex multiscale spaces

Jean-Marie Aubry, Françoise Bastin (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Stemming from the study of signals via wavelet coefficients, the spaces S ν are complete metrizable and separable topological vector spaces, parametrized by a function ν, whose elements are sequences indexed by a binary tree. Several papers were devoted to their basic topology; recently it was also shown that depending on ν, S ν may be locally convex, locally p-convex for some p > 0, or not at all, but under a minor condition these spaces are always pseudoconvex. We deal with some more sophisticated...

Dichotomies for 𝐂 0 ( X ) and 𝐂 b ( X ) spaces

Szymon Głąb, Filip Strobin (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Jachymski showed that the set ( x , y ) 𝐜 0 × 𝐜 0 : i = 1 n α ( i ) x ( i ) y ( i ) n = 1 is bounded is either a meager subset of 𝐜 0 × 𝐜 0 or is equal to 𝐜 0 × 𝐜 0 . In the paper we generalize this result by considering more general spaces than 𝐜 0 , namely 𝐂 0 ( X ) , the space of all continuous functions which vanish at infinity, and 𝐂 b ( X ) , the space of all continuous bounded functions. Moreover, we replace the meagerness by σ -porosity.

Dichotomies for Lorentz spaces

Szymon Głąb, Filip Strobin, Chan Yang (2013)

Open Mathematics

Assume that L p,q, L p 1 , q 1 , . . . , L p n , q n are Lorentz spaces. This article studies the question: what is the size of the set E = { ( f 1 , . . . , f n ) L p 1 , q 1 × × L p n , q n : f 1 f n L p , q } . We prove the following dichotomy: either E = L p 1 , q 1 × × L p n , q n or E is σ-porous in L p 1 , q 1 × × L p n , q n , provided 1/p ≠ 1/p 1 + … + 1/p n. In general case we obtain that either E = L p 1 , q 1 × × L p n , q n or E is meager. This is a generalization of the results for classical L p spaces.

Dichotomies pour les espaces de suites réelles

Pierre Casevitz (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

There is a general conjecture, the dichotomy (C) about Borel equivalence relations E: (i) E is Borel reducible to the equivalence relation E G X where X is a Polish space, and a Polish group acting continuously on X; or (ii) a canonical relation E 1 is Borel reducible to E. (C) is only proved for special cases as in [So].  In this paper we make a contribution to the study of (C): a stronger conjecture is true for hereditary subspaces of the Polish space ω of real sequences, i.e., subspaces such that [ y = ( y n ) n X ...

Currently displaying 2981 – 3000 of 13204