Displaying 801 – 820 of 1282

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Splines and pseudo-inverses

F. J. Delvos (1978)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Splitting maps and norm bounds for the cyclic cohomology of biflat Banach algebras

Yemon Choi (2010)

Banach Center Publications

We revisit the old result that biflat Banach algebras have the same cyclic cohomology as C, and obtain a quantitative variant (which is needed in separate, joint work of the author on the simplicial and cyclic cohomology of band semigroup algebras). Our approach does not rely on the Connes-Tsygan exact sequence, but is motivated strongly by its construction as found in [2] and [5].

Spreading sequences in JT

Helga Fetter, B. Gamboa de Buen (1997)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that a normalized non-weakly null basic sequence in the James tree space JT admits a subsequence which is equivalent to the summing basis for the James space J. Consequently, every normalized basic sequence admits a spreading subsequence which is either equivalent to the unit vector basis of l 2 or to the summing basis for J.

Square functions associated to Schrödinger operators

I. Abu-Falahah, P. R. Stinga, J. L. Torrea (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We characterize geometric properties of Banach spaces in terms of boundedness of square functions associated to general Schrödinger operators of the form ℒ = -Δ + V, where the nonnegative potential V satisfies a reverse Hölder inequality. The main idea is to sharpen the well known localization method introduced by Z. Shen. Our results can be regarded as alternative proofs of the boundedness in H¹, L p and BMO of classical ℒ-square functions.

Square functions, bounded analytic semigroups, and applications

Christian Le Merdy (2007)

Banach Center Publications

To any bounded analytic semigroup on Hilbert space or on L p -space, one may associate natural ’square functions’. In this survey paper, we review old and recent results on these square functions, as well as some extensions to various classes of Banach spaces, including noncommutative L p -spaces, Banach lattices, and their subspaces. We give some applications to H functional calculus, similarity problems, multiplier theory, and control theory.

Square roots of perturbed subelliptic operators on Lie groups

Lashi Bandara, A. F. M. ter Elst, Alan McIntosh (2013)

Studia Mathematica

We solve the Kato square root problem for bounded measurable perturbations of subelliptic operators on connected Lie groups. The subelliptic operators are divergence form operators with complex bounded coefficients, which may have lower order terms. In this general setting we deduce inhomogeneous estimates. In case the group is nilpotent and the subelliptic operator is pure second order, we prove stronger homogeneous estimates. Furthermore, we prove Lipschitz stability of the estimates under small...

Stabilité des C * -algèbres de feuilletages

Michel Hilsum, Georges Skandalis (1983)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit A la C * -algèbre, ou bien réduite ou bien maximale, associée à la variété feuilletée ( V , F ) , et K la C * -algèbre élémentaire des opérateurs compacts. Alors, si dim F 0 , on montre que A est isomorphe à A K .

Currently displaying 801 – 820 of 1282