Displaying 81 – 100 of 1952

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On a -Kasch spaces

Ali Akbar Estaji, Melvin Henriksen (2010)

Archivum Mathematicum

If X is a Tychonoff space, C ( X ) its ring of real-valued continuous functions. In this paper, we study non-essential ideals in C ( X ) . Let a be a infinite cardinal, then X is called a -Kasch (resp. a ¯ -Kasch) space if given any ideal (resp. z -ideal) I with gen ( I ) < a then I is a non-essential ideal. We show that X is an 0 -Kasch space if and only if X is an almost P -space and X is an 1 -Kasch space if and only if X is a pseudocompact and almost P -space. Let C F ( X ) denote the socle of C ( X ) . For a topological space X with only...

On a nonlinear Peetre's theorem in full Colombeau algebras

E. A. Nigsch (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We adapt a nonlinear version of Peetre's theorem on local operators in order to investigate representatives of nonlinear generalized functions occurring in the theory of full Colombeau algebras.

On a problem of Bertram Yood

Mart Abel, Mati Abel (2014)

Topological Algebra and its Applications

In 1964, Bertram Yood posed the following problem: whether the intersection of all closed maximal regular left ideals of a topological ring coincides with the intersection of all closed maximal regular right ideals of this ring. It is proved that these two intersections coincide for advertive and simplicial topological rings and, using this result, it is shown that the topological left radical and the topological right radical for every advertive and simplicial topological algebra coincide.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 1952