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Additively spectral-radius preserving surjections between unital semisimple commutative Banach algebras

Osamu Hatori, Go Hirasawa, Takeshi Miura (2010)

Open Mathematics

Let A and B be unital, semisimple commutative Banach algebras with the maximal ideal spaces M A and M B, respectively, and let r(a) be the spectral radius of a. We show that if T: A → B is a surjective mapping, not assumed to be linear, satisfying r(T(a) + T(b)) = r(a + b) for all a; b ∈ A, then there exist a homeomorphism φ: M B → M A and a closed and open subset K of M B such that T a ^ y = T e ^ y a ^ φ y y K T e ^ y a ^ φ y ¯ y M K for all a ∈ A, where e is unit element of A. If, in addition, T e ^ = 1 and T i e ^ = i on M B, then T is an algebra isomorphism.



Abstracta. 7th Winter School on Abstract Analysis

Adequate Compacta which are Gul’ko or Talagrand

Čížek, Petr, Fabian, Marián (2003)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 54H05, 03E15, 46B26We answer positively a question raised by S. Argyros: Given any coanalytic, nonalytic subset Σ′ of the irrationals, we construct, in Mercourakis space c1(Σ′), an adequate compact which is Gul’ko and not Talagrand. Further, given any Borel, non Fσ subset Σ′ of the irrationals, we construct, in c1(Σ′), an adequate compact which is Talagrand and not Eberlein.Supported by grants AV CR 101-90-03, and GA CR 201-01-1198

Adhérence faible étoile d'algèbres de fractions rationnelles

Jacques Chaumat (1974)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Étant donnés un compact K du plan complexe, et une mesure non nulle sur K , on étudie H ( μ ) , l’adhérence dans L ( μ ) , pour la topologie σ ( L ( μ ) , L 1 ( μ ) ) , de l’algèbre des fractions rationnelles d’une variable complexe, à pôles hors de K . Le résultat principal obtenu est qu’il existe un sous-ensemble E μ de K , éventuellement vide, mesurable pour la mesure de Lebesgue plane, et une mesure μ s , éventuellement nulle, absolument continue par rapport à la mesure μ , tels que : H ( μ ) soit isométriquement isomorphe à H ( λ E μ ) L ( μ s ) , où λ E μ désigne la...

Adjoint bi-continuous semigroups and semigroups on the space of measures

Bálint Farkas (2011)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For a given bi-continuous semigroup ( T ( t ) ) t 0 on a Banach space X we define its adjoint on an appropriate closed subspace X of the norm dual X ' . Under some abstract conditions this adjoint semigroup is again bi-continuous with respect to the weak topology σ ( X , X ) . We give the following application: For Ω a Polish space we consider operator semigroups on the space C b ( Ω ) of bounded, continuous functions (endowed with the compact-open topology) and on the space M ( Ω ) of bounded Baire measures (endowed with the weak * -topology)....

Affine Baire functions on Choquet simplices

Miroslav Kačena, Jiří Spurný (2011)

Open Mathematics

We construct a metrizable simplex X such that for each n ɛ ℕ there exists a bounded function f on ext X of Baire class n that cannot be extended to a strongly affine function of Baire class n. We show that such an example cannot be constructed via the space of harmonic functions.

Affine bijections of C(X,I)

Janko Marovt (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let 𝒳 be a compact Hausdorff space which satisfies the first axiom of countability, I = [0,1] and 𝓒(𝒳,I) the set of all continuous functions from 𝒳 to I. If φ: 𝓒(𝒳,I) → 𝓒(𝒳,I) is a bijective affine map then there exists a homeomorphism μ: 𝒳 → 𝒳 such that for every component C in 𝒳 we have either φ(f)(x) = f(μ(x)), f ∈ 𝓒(𝒳,I), x ∈ C, or φ(f)(x) = 1-f(μ(x)), f ∈ 𝓒(𝒳,I), x ∈ C.

Affine group acting on hyperspaces of compact convex subsets of ℝⁿ

Sergey A. Antonyan, Natalia Jonard-Pérez (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For every n ≥ 2, let cc(ℝⁿ) denote the hyperspace of all nonempty compact convex subsets of the Euclidean space ℝⁿ endowed with the Hausdorff metric topology. Let cb(ℝⁿ) be the subset of cc(ℝⁿ) consisting of all compact convex bodies. In this paper we discover several fundamental properties of the natural action of the affine group Aff(n) on cb(ℝⁿ). We prove that the space E(n) of all n-dimensional ellipsoids is an Aff(n)-equivariant retract of cb(ℝⁿ). This is applied to show that cb(ℝⁿ) is homeomorphic...

Currently displaying 1021 – 1040 of 13204