Displaying 141 – 160 of 1952

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On (a,b,c,d)-orthogonality in normed linear spaces

C.-S. Lin (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We first introduce a notion of (a,b,c,d)-orthogonality in a normed linear space, which is a natural generalization of the classical isosceles and Pythagorean orthogonalities, and well known α- and (α,β)-orthogonalities. Then we characterize inner product spaces in several ways, among others, in terms of one orthogonality implying another orthogonality.

On absolutely representing systems in spaces of infinitely differentiable functions

Yu. Korobeĭnik (2000)

Studia Mathematica

The main part of the paper is devoted to the problem of the existence of absolutely representing systems of exponentials with imaginary exponents in the spaces C ( G ) and C ( K ) of infinitely differentiable functions where G is an arbitrary domain in p , p≥1, while K is a compact set in p with non-void interior K̇ such that K ¯ ̇ = K . Moreover, absolutely representing systems of exponents in the space H(G) of functions analytic in an arbitrary domain G p are also investigated.

On algebra homomorphisms in complex almost f -algebras

Abdelmajid Triki (2002)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Extensions of order bounded linear operators on an Archimedean vector lattice to its relatively uniform completion are considered and are applied to show that the multiplication in an Archimedean lattice ordered algebra can be extended, in a unique way, to its relatively uniform completion. This is applied to show, among other things, that any order bounded algebra homomorphism on a complex Archimedean almost f -algebra is a lattice homomorphism.

On almost everywhere differentiability of the metric projection on closed sets in l p ( n ) , 2 < p <

Tord Sjödin (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let F be a closed subset of n and let P ( x ) denote the metric projection (closest point mapping) of x n onto F in l p -norm. A classical result of Asplund states that P is (Fréchet) differentiable almost everywhere (a.e.) in n in the Euclidean case p = 2 . We consider the case 2 < p < and prove that the i th component P i ( x ) of P ( x ) is differentiable a.e. if P i ( x ) x i and satisfies Hölder condition of order 1 / ( p - 1 ) if P i ( x ) = x i .

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 1952