Displaying 161 – 180 of 1952

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On an integral-type operator from Privalov spaces to Bloch-type spaces

Xiangling Zhu (2011)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let H(B) denote the space of all holomorphic functions on the unit ball B of ℂⁿ. Let φ be a holomorphic self-map of B and g ∈ H(B) such that g(0) = 0. We study the integral-type operator C φ g f ( z ) = 0 1 f ( φ ( t z ) ) g ( t z ) d t / t , f ∈ H(B). The boundedness and compactness of C φ g from Privalov spaces to Bloch-type spaces and little Bloch-type spaces are studied

On an Invariant Borel Measure in Hilbert Space

G. Pantsulaia (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

An example of a nonzero σ-finite Borel measure μ with everywhere dense linear manifold μ of admissible (in the sense of invariance) translation vectors is constructed in the Hilbert space ℓ₂ such that μ and any shift μ ( a ) of μ by a vector a μ are neither equivalent nor orthogonal. This extends a result established in [7].

On an optimization problem arising from probability density estimation.

Sankar Basu, Mohammad Saif Ullah Khan, C.A. Micchelli, Peder A. Olsen (2002)


Consideramos una clase de problemas de optimización que surgen en estimaciones de la densidad de datos en dimensión elevada a partir de proyecciones en subespacios de dimensión más baja. Los criterios que se usan para la selección óptima del modelo son máxima entropía y máxima verosimilitud. En cada caso nuestro planteamiento requiere estimadores de la densidad univariados y a este respecto exploramos el uso de modelos mezcla de densidades gaussianas y de estimadores de Parzen para los datos proyectados....

On analytic torsion over C*-algebras

Alan Carey, Varghese Mathai, Alexander Mishchenko (1999)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper, we present an analytic definition for the relative torsion for flat C*-algebra bundles over a compact manifold. The advantage of such a relative torsion is that it is defined without any hypotheses on the flat C*-algebra bundle. In the case where the flat C*-algebra bundle is of determinant class, we relate it easily to the L^2 torsion as defined in [7],[5].

On Arens-Michael algebras which do not have non-zero injective ⨶-modules

A. Pirkovskii (1999)

Studia Mathematica

A certain class of Arens-Michael algebras having no non-zero injective topological ⨶-modules is introduced. This class is rather wide and contains, in particular, algebras of holomorphic functions on polydomains in n , algebras of smooth functions on domains in n , algebras of formal power series, and, more generally, any nuclear Fréchet-Arens-Michael algebra which has a free bimodule Koszul resolution.

On Asplund functions

Wee-Kee Tang (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A class of convex functions where the sets of subdifferentials behave like the unit ball of the dual space of an Asplund space is found. These functions, which we called Asplund functions also possess some stability properties. We also give a sufficient condition for a function to be an Asplund function in terms of the upper-semicontinuity of the subdifferential map.

On asymptotically symmetric Banach spaces

M. Junge, D. Kutzarova, E. Odell (2006)

Studia Mathematica

A Banach space X is asymptotically symmetric (a.s.) if for some C < ∞, for all m ∈ ℕ, for all bounded sequences ( x j i ) j = 1 X , 1 ≤ i ≤ m, for all permutations σ of 1,...,m and all ultrafilters ₁,...,ₘ on ℕ, l i m n , . . . l i m n , | | i = 1 m x n i i | | C l i m n σ ( 1 ) , σ ( 1 ) . . . l i m n σ ( m ) , σ ( m ) | | i = 1 m x n i i | | . We investigate a.s. Banach spaces and several natural variations. X is weakly a.s. (w.a.s.) if the defining condition holds when restricted to weakly convergent sequences ( x j i ) j = 1 . Moreover, X is w.n.a.s. if we restrict the condition further to normalized weakly null sequences. If X is a.s. then all spreading...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 1952