Displaying 161 – 180 of 352

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Besov spaces on spaces of homogeneous type and fractals

Dachun Yang (2003)

Studia Mathematica

Let Γ be a compact d-set in ℝⁿ with 0 < d ≤ n, which includes various kinds of fractals. The author shows that the Besov spaces B p q s ( Γ ) defined by two different and equivalent methods, namely, via traces and quarkonial decompositions in the sense of Triebel are the same spaces as those obtained by regarding Γ as a space of homogeneous type when 0 < s < 1, 1 < p < ∞ and 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞.

Besov spaces on symmetric manifolds—the atomic decomposition

Leszek Skrzypczak (1997)

Studia Mathematica

We give the atomic decomposition of the inhomogeneous Besov spaces defined on symmetric Riemannian spaces of noncompact type. As an application we get a theorem of Bernstein type for the Helgason-Fourier transform.

Bessaga's conjecture in unstable Köthe spaces and products

Zefer Nurlu, Jasser Sarsour (1993)

Studia Mathematica

Let F be a complemented subspace of a nuclear Fréchet space E. If E and F both have (absolute) bases ( e n ) resp. ( f n ) , then Bessaga conjectured (see [2] and for a more general form, also [8]) that there exists an isomorphism of F into E mapping f n to t n e π ( k n ) where ( t n ) is a scalar sequence, π is a permutation of ℕ and ( k n ) is a subsequence of ℕ. We prove that the conjecture holds if E is unstable, i.e. for some base of decreasing zero-neighborhoods ( U n ) consisting of absolutely convex sets one has ∃s ∀p ∃q ∀r l i m n ( d n + 1 ( U q , U p ) ) / ( d n ( U r , U s ) ) = 0 where...

Bessel potentials in Orlicz spaces.

N. Aïssaoui (1997)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

It is shown that Bessel potentials have a representation in term of measure when the underlying space is Orlicz. A comparison between capacities and Lebesgue measure is given and geometric properties of Bessel capacities in this space are studied. Moreover it is shown that if the capacity of a set is null, then the variation of all signed measures of this set is null when these measures are in the dual of an Orlicz-Sobolev space.

Best constants and asymptotics of Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities

Andreas Defant, Marius Junge (1997)

Studia Mathematica

We determine the set of all triples 1 ≤ p,q,r ≤ ∞ for which the so-called Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality is satisfied: There exists a constant c≥ 0 such that for each bounded linear operator T : L q ( μ ) L p ( ν ) , each n ∈ ℕ and functions f 1 , . . . , f n L q ( μ ) , ( ʃ ( k = 1 n | T f k | r ) p / r d ν ) 1 / p c T ( ʃ ( k = 1 n | f k | r ) q / r d μ ) 1 / q . This type of inequality includes as special cases well-known inequalities of Paley, Marcinkiewicz, Zygmund, Grothendieck, and Kwapień. If such a Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality holds for a given triple (p,q,r), then we calculate the best constant c ≥ 0 (with the only exception:...

Best constants for Lipschitz embeddings of metric spaces into c₀

N. J. Kalton, G. Lancien (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We answer a question of Aharoni by showing that every separable metric space can be Lipschitz 2-embedded into c₀ and this result is sharp; this improves earlier estimates of Aharoni, Assouad and Pelant. We use our methods to examine the best constant for Lipschitz embeddings of the classical p -spaces into c₀ and give other applications. We prove that if a Banach space embeds almost isometrically into c₀, then it embeds linearly almost isometrically into c₀. We also study Lipschitz embeddings into...

Best constants for some operators associated with the Fourier and Hilbert transforms

B. Hollenbeck, N. J. Kalton, I. E. Verbitsky (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We determine the norm in L p ( ) , 1 < p < ∞, of the operator I - s c , where c and s are respectively the cosine and sine Fourier transforms on the positive real axis, and I is the identity operator. This solves a problem posed in 1984 by M. S. Birman [Bir] which originated in scattering theory for unbounded obstacles in the plane. We also obtain the L p -norms of the operators aI + bH, where H is the Hilbert transform (conjugate function operator) on the circle or real line, for arbitrary real a,b. Best...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 352