Displaying 141 – 160 of 220

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On weighted inductive limits of non-Archimedean spaces of continuous functions

A. K. Katsaras, V. Benekas (2000)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Si studiano alcune proprietà di un certo limite induttivo di spazi non-archimedei di funzioni continue. In particolare, si esamina la completezza di questo limite induttivo e si indaga il problema di quando lo spazio coincide con il proprio inviluppo proiettivo.

Open Subsets of LF-spaces

Kotaro Mine, Katsuro Sakai (2008)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Let F = ind lim Fₙ be an infinite-dimensional LF-space with density dens F = τ ( ≥ ℵ ₀) such that some Fₙ is infinite-dimensional and dens Fₙ = τ. It is proved that every open subset of F is homeomorphic to the product of an ℓ₂(τ)-manifold and = i n d l i m (hence the product of an open subset of ℓ₂(τ) and ). As a consequence, any two open sets in F are homeomorphic if they have the same homotopy type.

Preduals of Sobolev-Campanato spaces

Konrad Gröger, Lutz Recke (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

We present definitions of Banach spaces predual to Campanato spaces and Sobolev-Campanato spaces, respectively, and we announce some results on embeddings and isomorphisms between these spaces. Detailed proofs will appear in our paper in Math. Nachr.

Projective representations of spaces of quasianalytic functionals

José Bonet, Reinhold Meise, Sergeĭ N. Melikhov (2004)

Studia Mathematica

The weighted inductive limit of Fréchet spaces of entire functions in N variables which is obtained as the Fourier-Laplace transform of the space of analytic functionals on an open convex subset of N can be described algebraically as the intersection of a family of weighted Banach spaces of entire functions. The corresponding result for the spaces of quasianalytic functionals is also derived.

Reflexivity of inductive limits

Jan Kučera (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

An inductive locally convex limit of reflexive topological spaces is reflexive iff it is almost regular.

Regular inductive limits of K-spaces.

Thomas E. Gilsdorf (1991)

Collectanea Mathematica

A well-known result for bounded sets in inductive limits of locally convex spaces is the following: If each of the constituent spaces En are Fréchet spaces and E is the inductive limit of the spaces En, then each bounded subset of E is bounded in some En iff E is locally complete. Using DeWilde's localization theorem, we show here that the completeness of each En and the local completeness of E may be replaced with the conditions that the spaces En are all webbed K-spaces and E is locally Baire,...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 220