Displaying 181 – 200 of 203

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Une nouvelle définition des cônes biréticulés

Alain Goullet de Rugy (1974)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On montre que si E est un espace vectoriel réticulé, le cône des formes linéaires positives sur E , muni de la topologie de la convergence simple sur E est un cône biréticulé.Ce résultat conduit à une nouvelle définition des cônes biréticulés, équivalents à la définition initiale, mais d’un usage beaucoup plus souple ; ce résultat est la réponse positive à une hypothèse de G. Choquet.

Universal stability of Banach spaces for ε -isometries

Lixin Cheng, Duanxu Dai, Yunbai Dong, Yu Zhou (2014)

Studia Mathematica

Let X, Y be real Banach spaces and ε > 0. A standard ε-isometry f: X → Y is said to be (α,γ)-stable (with respect to T : L ( f ) s p a n ¯ f ( X ) X for some α,γ > 0) if T is a linear operator with ||T|| ≤ α such that Tf- Id is uniformly bounded by γε on X. The pair (X,Y) is said to be stable if every standard ε-isometry f: X → Y is (α,γ)-stable for some α,γ > 0. The space X[Y] is said to be universally left [right]-stable if (X,Y) is always stable for every Y[X]. In this paper, we show that universally right-stable...

When ( E , σ ( E , E ' ) ) is a D F -space?

Dorota Krassowska, Wiesƚaw Śliwa (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let ( E , t ) be a Hausdorff locally convex space. Either ( E , σ ( E , E ' ) ) or ( E ' , σ ( E ' , E ) ) is a D F -space iff E is of finite dimension (THEOREM). This is the most general solution of the problem studied by Iyahen [2] and Radenovič [3].

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 203