Displaying 161 – 180 of 243

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Plurisubharmonic functions on compact sets

Rafał Czyż, Lisa Hed, Håkan Persson (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Poletsky has introduced a notion of plurisubharmonicity for functions defined on compact sets in ℂⁿ. We show that these functions can be completely characterized in terms of monotone convergence of plurisubharmonic functions defined on neighborhoods of the compact.

Positive linear maps of matrix algebras

W. A. Majewski (2012)

Banach Center Publications

A characterization of the structure of positive maps is presented. This sheds some more light on the old open problem studied both in Quantum Information and Operator Algebras. Our arguments are based on the concept of exposed points, links between tensor products and mapping spaces and convex analysis.

Products and projective limits of function spaces

Miroslav Kačena (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We introduce a notion of a product and projective limit of function spaces. We show that the Choquet boundary of the product space is the product of Choquet boundaries. Next we show that the product of simplicial spaces is simplicial. We also show that the maximal measures on the product space are exactly those with maximal projections. We show similar characterizations of the Choquet boundary and the space of maximal measures for the projective limit of function spaces under some additional assumptions...

Remark on the Abstract Dirichlet Problem for Baire-One Functions

Ondřej F. K. Kalenda (2005)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We study the possibility of extending any bounded Baire-one function on the set of extreme points of a compact convex set to an affine Baire-one function and related questions. We give complete solutions to these questions within a class of Choquet simplices introduced by P. J. Stacey (1979). In particular we get an example of a Choquet simplex such that its set of extreme points is not Borel but any bounded Baire-one function on the set of extreme points can be extended to an affine Baire-one function....

Rotundity and smoothness of convex bodies in reflexive and nonreflexive spaces

Victor Klee, Libor Veselý, Clemente Zanco (1996)

Studia Mathematica

For combining two convex bodies C and D to produce a third body, two of the most important ways are the operation ∓ of forming the closure of the vector sum C+D and the operation γ̅ of forming the closure of the convex hull of C ⋃ D. When the containing normed linear space X is reflexive, it follows from weak compactness that the vector sum and the convex hull are already closed, and from this it follows that the class of all rotund bodies in X is stable with respect to the operation ∓ and the class...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 243