Displaying 181 – 200 of 336

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On operators from separable reflexive spaces with asymptotic structure

Bentuo Zheng (2008)

Studia Mathematica

Let 1 < q < p < ∞ and q ≤ r ≤ p. Let X be a reflexive Banach space satisfying a lower- q -tree estimate and let T be a bounded linear operator from X which satisfies an upper- p -tree estimate. Then T factors through a subspace of ( F ) r , where (Fₙ) is a sequence of finite-dimensional spaces. In particular, T factors through a subspace of a reflexive space with an ( p , q ) FDD. Similarly, let 1 < q < r < p < ∞ and let X be a separable reflexive Banach space satisfying an asymptotic lower- q -tree...

On operators which factor through l p or c₀

Bentuo Zheng (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let 1 < p < ∞. Let X be a subspace of a space Z with a shrinking F.D.D. (Eₙ) which satisfies a block lower-p estimate. Then any bounded linear operator T from X which satisfies an upper-(C,p)-tree estimate factors through a subspace of ( F ) l p , where (Fₙ) is a blocking of (Eₙ). In particular, we prove that an operator from L p (2 < p < ∞) satisfies an upper-(C,p)-tree estimate if and only if it factors through l p . This gives an answer to a question of W. B. Johnson. We also prove that if X is...

On positive embeddings of C(K) spaces

Grzegorz Plebanek (2013)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate isomorphic embeddings T: C(K) → C(L) between Banach spaces of continuous functions. We show that if such an embedding T is a positive operator then K is the image of L under an upper semicontinuous set-function having finite values. Moreover we show that K has a π-base of sets whose closures are continuous images of compact subspaces of L. Our results imply in particular that if C(K) can be positively embedded into C(L) then some topological properties of L, such as countable...

On spreading c 0 -sequences in Banach spaces

Vassiliki Farmaki (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce and study the spreading-(s) and the spreading-(u) property of a Banach space and their relations. A space has the spreading-(s) property if every normalized weakly null sequence has a subsequence with a spreading model equivalent to the usual basis of c 0 ; while it has the spreading-(u) property if every weak Cauchy and non-weakly convergent sequence has a convex block subsequence with a spreading model equivalent to the summing basis of c 0 . The main results proved are the following: (a)...

On super-weakly compact sets and uniformly convexifiable sets

Lixin Cheng, Qingjin Cheng, Bo Wang, Wen Zhang (2010)

Studia Mathematica

This paper mainly concerns the topological nature of uniformly convexifiable sets in general Banach spaces: A sufficient and necessary condition for a bounded closed convex set C of a Banach space X to be uniformly convexifiable (i.e. there exists an equivalent norm on X which is uniformly convex on C) is that the set C is super-weakly compact, which is defined using a generalization of finite representability. The proofs use appropriate versions of classical theorems, such as James' finite tree...

On Tauberian and co-Tauberian operators.

Sudipta Dutta, Vladimir P. Fonf (2006)

Extracta Mathematicae

We show that a Banach space X has an infinite dimensional reflexive subspace (quotient) if and only if there exist a Banach space Z and a non-isomorphic one-to-one (dense range) Tauberian (co-Tauberian) operator form X to Z (Z to X). We also give necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a Tauberian operator from a separable Banach space to c0 which in turn generalizes a result of Johnson and Rosenthal. Another application of our result shows that if X** is separable, then there exists...

On the complemented subspaces of the Schreier spaces

I. Gasparis, D. Leung (2000)

Studia Mathematica

It is shown that for every 1 ≤ ξ < ω, two subspaces of the Schreier space X ξ generated by subsequences ( e l n ξ ) and ( e m n ξ ) , respectively, of the natural Schauder basis ( e n ξ ) of X ξ are isomorphic if and only if ( e l n ξ ) and ( e m n ξ ) are equivalent. Further, X ξ admits a continuum of mutually incomparable complemented subspaces spanned by subsequences of ( e n ξ ) . It is also shown that there exists a complemented subspace spanned by a block basis of ( e n ξ ) , which is not isomorphic to a subspace generated by a subsequence of ( e n ζ ) , for every 0 ζ ξ ....

On the diameter of the Banach-Mazur set

Gilles Godefroy (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

On every subspace of l ( ) which contains an uncountable ω -independent set, we construct equivalent norms whose Banach-Mazur distance is as large as required. Under Martin’s Maximum Axiom (MM), it follows that the Banach-Mazur diameter of the set of equivalent norms on every infinite-dimensional subspace of l ( ) is infinite. This provides a partial answer to a question asked by Johnson and Odell.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 336