Displaying 161 – 180 of 336

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Note on distortion and Bourgain ℓ₁-index

Anna Maria Pelczar (2009)

Studia Mathematica

Relations between different notions measuring proximity to ℓ₁ and distortability of a Banach space are studied. The main result states that a Banach space all of whose subspaces have Bourgain ℓ₁-index greater than ω α , α < ω₁, contains either an arbitrarily distortable subspace or an α -asymptotic subspace.

On a dual locally uniformly rotund norm on a dual Vašák space

Marián Fabian (1991)

Studia Mathematica

We transfer a renorming method of transfer, due to G. Godefroy, from weakly compactly generated Banach spaces to Vašák, i.e., weakly K-countably determined Banach spaces. Thus we obtain a new construction of a locally uniformly rotund norm on a Vašák space. A further cultivation of this method yields the new result that every dual Vašák space admits a dual locally uniformly rotund norm.

On a Question of Pełczyński about Strictly Singular Operators

Jesús M. F. Castillo, Marilda Simoes, Jesús Suárez de la Fuente (2012)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We exhibit new examples of weakly compact strictly singular operators with dual not strictly cosingular and characterize the weakly compact strictly singular surjections with strictly cosingular adjoint as those having strictly singular bitranspose. We then obtain new examples of super-strictly singular quotient maps and show that the strictly singular quotient maps in Kalton-Peck sequences are not super-strictly singular.

On asymptotically symmetric Banach spaces

M. Junge, D. Kutzarova, E. Odell (2006)

Studia Mathematica

A Banach space X is asymptotically symmetric (a.s.) if for some C < ∞, for all m ∈ ℕ, for all bounded sequences ( x j i ) j = 1 X , 1 ≤ i ≤ m, for all permutations σ of 1,...,m and all ultrafilters ₁,...,ₘ on ℕ, l i m n , . . . l i m n , | | i = 1 m x n i i | | C l i m n σ ( 1 ) , σ ( 1 ) . . . l i m n σ ( m ) , σ ( m ) | | i = 1 m x n i i | | . We investigate a.s. Banach spaces and several natural variations. X is weakly a.s. (w.a.s.) if the defining condition holds when restricted to weakly convergent sequences ( x j i ) j = 1 . Moreover, X is w.n.a.s. if we restrict the condition further to normalized weakly null sequences. If X is a.s. then all spreading...

On Banach spaces C(K) isomorphic to c₀(Γ)

Witold Marciszewski (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We give a characterization of compact spaces K such that the Banach space C(K) is isomorphic to the space c₀(Γ) for some set Γ. As an application we show that there exists an Eberlein compact space K of weight ω ω and with the third derived set K ( 3 ) empty such that the space C(K) is not isomorphic to any c₀(Γ). For this compactum K, the spaces C(K) and c ( ω ω ) are examples of weakly compactly generated (WCG) Banach spaces which are Lipschitz isomorphic but not isomorphic.

On copies of c 0 in the bounded linear operator space

Juan Carlos Ferrando, J. M. Amigó (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this note we study some properties concerning certain copies of the classic Banach space c 0 in the Banach space X , Y of all bounded linear operators between a normed space X and a Banach space Y equipped with the norm of the uniform convergence of operators.

On Fréchet differentiability of convex functions on Banach spaces

Wee-Kee Tang (1995)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Equivalent conditions for the separability of the range of the subdifferential of a given convex Lipschitz function f defined on a separable Banach space are studied. The conditions are in terms of a majorization of f by a C 1 -smooth function, separability of the boundary for f or an approximation of f by Fréchet smooth convex functions.

On having a countable cover by sets of small local diameter

Nadezhda Ribarska (2000)

Studia Mathematica

A characterization of topological spaces admitting a countable cover by sets of small local diameter close in spirit to known characterizations of fragmentability is obtained. It is proved that if X and Y are Hausdorff compacta such that C(X) has an equivalent p-Kadec norm and C p ( Y ) has a countable cover by sets of small local norm diameter, then C p ( X × Y ) has a countable cover by sets of small local norm diameter as well.

On isomorphism classes of C ( 2 [ 0 , α ] ) spaces

Elói Medina Galego (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We provide a complete isomorphic classification of the Banach spaces of continuous functions on the compact spaces 2 [ 0 , α ] , the topological sums of Cantor cubes 2 , with smaller than the first sequential cardinal, and intervals of ordinal numbers [0,α]. In particular, we prove that it is relatively consistent with ZFC that the only isomorphism classes of C ( 2 [ 0 , α ] ) spaces with ≥ ℵ₀ and α ≥ ω₁ are the trivial ones. This result leads to some elementary questions on large cardinals.

On L₁-subspaces of holomorphic functions

Anahit Harutyunyan, Wolfgang Lusky (2010)

Studia Mathematica

We study the spaces H μ ( Ω ) = f : Ω h o l o m o r p h i c : 0 R 0 2 π | f ( r e i φ ) | d φ d μ ( r ) < where Ω is a disc with radius R and μ is a given probability measure on [0,R[. We show that, depending on μ, H μ ( Ω ) is either isomorphic to l₁ or to ( A ) ( 1 ) . Here Aₙ is the space of all polynomials of degree ≤ n endowed with the L₁-norm on the unit sphere.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 336