Displaying 261 – 280 of 11135

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A generalization of peripherally-multiplicative surjections between standard operator algebras

Takeshi Miura, Dai Honma (2009)

Open Mathematics

Let A and B be standard operator algebras on Banach spaces X and Y, respectively. The peripheral spectrum σπ (T) of T is defined by σπ (T) = z ∈ σ(T): |z| = maxw∈σ(T) |w|. If surjective (not necessarily linear nor continuous) maps φ, ϕ: A → B satisfy σπ (φ(S)ϕ(T)) = σπ (ST) for all S; T ∈ A, then φ and ϕ are either of the form φ(T) = A 1 TA 2 −1 and ϕ(T) = A 2 TA 1 −1 for some bijective bounded linear operators A 1; A 2 of X onto Y, or of the form φ(T) = B 1 T*B 2 −1 and ϕ(T) = B 2 T*B −1 for some...

A generalization of the Aleksandrov operator and adjoints of weighted composition operators

Eva A. Gallardo-Gutiérrez, Jonathan R. Partington (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A generalization of the Aleksandrov operator is provided, in order to represent the adjoint of a weighted composition operator on 2 by means of an integral with respect to a measure. In particular, we show the existence of a family of measures which represents the adjoint of a weighted composition operator under fairly mild assumptions, and we discuss not only uniqueness but also the generalization of Aleksandrov–Clark measures which corresponds to the unweighted case, that is, to the adjoint of...

A generalization of the Schauder fixed point theorem via multivalued contractions

Paolo Cubiotti, Beatrice Di Bella (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We establish a fixed point theorem for a continuous function f : X E , where E is a Banach space and X E . Our result, which involves multivalued contractions, contains the classical Schauder fixed point theorem as a special case. An application is presented.

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 11135