Displaying 301 – 320 of 654

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The periodic problem for semilinear differential inclusions in Banach spaces

Ralf Bader (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Sufficient conditions on the existence of periodic solutions for semilinear differential inclusions are given in general Banach space. In our approach we apply the technique of the translation operator along trajectories. Due to recent results it is possible to show that this operator is a so-called decomposable map and thus admissible for certain fixed point index theories for set-valued maps. Compactness conditions are formulated in terms of the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness.

The Perturbed Generalized Tikhonov's Algorithm

Alexandre, P. (1999)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

We work on the research of a zero of a maximal monotone operator on a real Hilbert space. Following the recent progress made in the context of the proximal point algorithm devoted to this problem, we introduce simultaneously a variable metric and a kind of relaxation in the perturbed Tikhonov’s algorithm studied by P. Tossings. So, we are led to work in the context of the variational convergence theory.

The Positive Supercyclicity Theorem.

F. León Saavedra (2004)

Extracta Mathematicae

We present some recent results related with supercyclic operators, also some of its consequences. We will finalize with new related questions.

The power boundedness and resolvent conditions for functions of the classical Volterra operator

Yuri Lyubich (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Let ϕ(z) be an analytic function in a disk |z| < ρ (in particular, a polynomial) such that ϕ(0) = 1, ϕ(z)≢ 1. Let V be the operator of integration in L p ( 0 , 1 ) , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. Then ϕ(V) is power bounded if and only if ϕ’(0) < 0 and p = 2. In this case some explicit upper bounds are given for the norms of ϕ(V)ⁿ and subsequent differences between the powers. It is shown that ϕ(V) never satisfies the Ritt condition but the Kreiss condition is satisfied if and only if ϕ’(0) < 0, at least in the polynomial...

The product formula.

Genaro López Acedo (1991)

Collectanea Mathematica

A useful property of the Brouwerdegree relates the degree of a composition of maps to the degree of each map. This property, which can be generalized for the Leray Schauder degree and in some cases for the A-proper maps is called the Product Formula. In a previous paper we developed a generalized degree theory for a class of mappings, this class contains the class of A-proper mappings and compact mappings. In this paper we prove a generalization of the Product Formula when one factor is of the Identity+Compact...

The proof of the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture

Nils Dencker (2003)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

We prove the Nirenberg-Treves conjecture : that for principal type pseudo-differential operators local solvability is equivalent to condition ( Ψ ). This condition rules out certain sign changes of the imaginary part of the principal symbol along the bicharacteristics of the real part. We obtain local solvability by proving a localizable estimate for the adjoint operator with a loss of two derivatives (compared with the elliptic case). The proof involves a new metric in the Weyl (or Beals-Fefferman)...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 654