Displaying 361 – 380 of 654

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The solution of Kato's conjecture (after Auscher, Hofmann, Lacey, McIntosh and Tchamitchian)

Philippe Tchamitchian (2001)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

Kato’s conjecture, stating that the domain of the square root of any accretive operator L = - div ( A ) with bounded measurable coefficients in n is the Sobolev space H 1 ( n ) , i.e. the domain of the underlying sesquilinear form, has recently been obtained by Auscher, Hofmann, Lacey, McIntosh and the author. These notes present the result and explain the strategy of proof.

The solution of the Kato problem in two dimensions.

Steve Hofmann, Alan McIntosh (2002)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We solve, in two dimensions, the "square root problem of Kato". That is, for L ≡ -div (A(x)∇), where A(x) is a 2 x 2 accretive matrix of bounded measurable complex coefficients, we prove that L1/2: L12(R2) → L2(R2).[Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, El Escorial (Madrid), 2002].

The solution operator for a partial differential equation with delay

Gabriella Di Blasio, Karl Kunisch, Eugenio Sinestrari (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Viene dimostrata l’esistenza e l’unicità globale della soluzione di un’equazione funzionale in uno spazio di Hilbert e si caratterizza il generatore infinitesimale del semigruppo ad essa associato. Il risultato è applicato ad equazioni integrodifferenziali a derivate parziali di tipo parabolico in cui compaiono argomenti con ritardo (discreto e continuo) nelle derivate spaziali di ordine massimo.

The space of multipliers and convolutors of Orlicz spaces on a locally compact group

Hasan P. Aghababa, Ibrahim Akbarbaglu, Saeid Maghsoudi (2013)

Studia Mathematica

Let G be a locally compact group, let (φ,ψ) be a complementary pair of Young functions, and let L φ ( G ) and L ψ ( G ) be the corresponding Orlicz spaces. Under some conditions on φ, we will show that for a Banach L φ ( G ) -submodule X of L ψ ( G ) , the multiplier space H o m L φ ( G ) ( L φ ( G ) , X * ) is a dual Banach space with predual L φ ( G ) X : = s p a n ¯ u x : u L φ ( G ) , x X , where the closure is taken in the dual space of H o m L φ ( G ) ( L φ ( G ) , X * ) . We also prove that if φ is a Δ₂-regular N-function, then C v φ ( G ) , the space of convolutors of M φ ( G ) , is identified with the dual of a Banach algebra of functions on G under pointwise...

The spectra of general differential operators in the direct sum spaces

Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, the general ordinary quasi-differential expression M p of n -th order with complex coefficients and its formal adjoint M p + on any finite number of intervals I p = ( a p , b p ) , p = 1 , , N , are considered in the setting of the direct sums of L w p 2 ( a p , b p ) -spaces of functions defined on each of the separate intervals, and a number of results concerning the location of the point spectra and the regularity fields of general differential operators generated by such expressions are obtained. Some of these are extensions or generalizations...

Currently displaying 361 – 380 of 654