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Displaying 381 – 400 of 654

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The spectrally bounded linear maps on operator algebras

Jianlian Cui, Jinchuan Hou (2002)

Studia Mathematica

We show that every spectrally bounded linear map Φ from a Banach algebra onto a standard operator algebra acting on a complex Banach space is square-zero preserving. This result is used to show that if Φ₂ is spectrally bounded, then Φ is a homomorphism multiplied by a nonzero complex number. As another application to the Hilbert space case, a classification theorem is obtained which states that every spectrally bounded linear bijection Φ from ℬ(H) onto ℬ(K), where H and K are infinite-dimensional...

The spectrum of Schrödinger operators with random δ magnetic fields

Takuya Mine, Yuji Nomura (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We shall consider the Schrödinger operators on 2 with the magnetic field given by a nonnegative constant field plus random δ magnetic fields of the Anderson type or of the Poisson-Anderson type. We shall investigate the spectrum of these operators by the method of the admissible potentials by Kirsch-Martinelli. Moreover, we shall prove the lower Landau levels are infinitely degenerated eigenvalues when the constant field is sufficiently large, by estimating the growth order of the eigenfunctions...

The squares of the Laplacian-Dirichlet eigenfunctions are generically linearly independent

Yannick Privat, Mario Sigalotti (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The paper deals with the genericity of domain-dependent spectral properties of the Laplacian-Dirichlet operator. In particular we prove that, generically, the squares of the eigenfunctions form a free family. We also show that the spectrum is generically non-resonant. The results are obtained by applying global perturbations of the domains and exploiting analytic perturbation properties. The work is motivated by two applications: an existence result for the problem of maximizing the rate of...

The stability radius of an operator of Saphar type

Christoph Schmoeger (1995)

Studia Mathematica

A bounded linear operator T on a complex Banach space X is called an operator of Saphar type if its kernel is contained in its generalized range n = 1 T n ( X ) and T is relatively regular. For T of Saphar type we determine the supremum of all positive numbers δ such that T - λI is of Saphar type for |λ| < δ.

Currently displaying 381 – 400 of 654