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Displaying 481 – 500 of 654

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Time asymptotic description of an abstract Cauchy problem solution and application to transport equation

Boulbeba Abdelmoumen, Omar Jedidi, Aref Jeribi (2014)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper, we study the time asymptotic behavior of the solution to an abstract Cauchy problem on Banach spaces without restriction on the initial data. The abstract results are then applied to the study of the time asymptotic behavior of solutions of an one-dimensional transport equation with boundary conditions in L 1 -space arising in growing cell populations and originally introduced by M. Rotenberg, J. Theoret. Biol. 103 (1983), 181–199.

Time regularity and functions of the Volterra operator

Zoltán Léka (2014)

Studia Mathematica

Our aim is to prove that for any fixed 1/2 < α < 1 there exists a Hilbert space contraction T such that σ(T) = 1 and | | T n + 1 - T | | ( n 1 ) . This answers Zemánek’s question on the time regularity property.

Time-dependent perturbation theory for abstract evolution equations of second order

Yuhua Lin (1998)

Studia Mathematica

A condition on a family B ( t ) : t [ 0 , T ] of linear operators is given under which the inhomogeneous Cauchy problem for u"(t)=(A+ B(t))u(t) + f(t) for t ∈ [0,T] has a unique solution, where A is a linear operator satisfying the conditions characterizing infinitesimal generators of cosine families except the density of their domains. The result obtained is applied to the partial differential equation u t t = u x x + b ( t , x ) u x ( t , x ) + c ( t , x ) u ( t , x ) + f ( t , x ) f o r ( t , x ) [ 0 , T ] × [ 0 , 1 ] , u ( t , 0 ) = u ( t , 1 ) = 0 f o r t [ 0 , T ] , u ( 0 , x ) = u 0 ( x ) , u t ( 0 , x ) = v 0 ( x ) f o r x [ 0 , 1 ] in the space of continuous functions on [0,1].

Time-dependent Schrödinger perturbations of transition densities

Krzysztof Bogdan, Wolfhard Hansen, Tomasz Jakubowski (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We construct the fundamental solution of t - Δ y - q ( t , y ) for functions q with a certain integral space-time relative smallness, in particular for those satisfying a relative Kato condition. The resulting transition density is comparable to the Gaussian kernel in finite time, and it is even asymptotically equal to the Gaussian kernel (in small time) under the relative Kato condition. The result is generalized to arbitrary strictly positive and finite time-nonhomogeneous transition densities on measure spaces. We...

Time-frequency analysis of Sjöstrand's class.

Karlheinz Gröchenig (2006)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We investigate the properties an exotic symbol class of pseudodifferential operators, Sjöstrand's class, with methods of time-frequency analysis (phase space analysis). Compared to the classical treatment, the time-frequency approach leads to striklingly simple proofs of Sjöstrand's fundamental results and to far-reaching generalizations.

Currently displaying 481 – 500 of 654