Displaying 541 – 560 of 1497

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A note on variational-type inequalities for (η,θ,δ)-pseudomonotone-type set-valued mappings in nonreflexive Banach spaces

Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

In this paper the existence of solutions to variational-type inequalities problems for (η,θ,δ)- pseudomonotone-type set-valued mappings in nonreflexive Banach spaces introduced in [4] is considered. Presented theorem does not require a compact set-valued mapping, but requires a weaker condition 'locally bounded' for the mapping.

A note on γ-radonifying and summing operators

Zdzisław Brzeźniak, Hongwei Long (2015)

Banach Center Publications

In this note, we discuss certain generalizations of γ-radonifying operators and their applications to the regularity for linear stochastic evolution equations on some special Banach spaces. Furthermore, we also consider a more general class of operators, namely the so-called summing operators and discuss the application to the compactness of the heat semi-group between weighted L p -spaces.

A notion of analytic generator for groups of unbounded operators

José E. Galé (2005)

Banach Center Publications

We introduce a notion of analytic generator for groups of unbounded operators, on Banach modules, arising from Esterle’s quasimultiplier theory. Characterizations of analytic generators are given in terms of the existence of certain functional calculi. This extends recent results about C₀ groups of bounded operators. The theory is applicable to sectorial operators, representations of H , and integrated groups.

A numerical radius inequality and an estimate for the numerical radius of the Frobenius companion matrix

Fuad Kittaneh (2003)

Studia Mathematica

It is shown that if A is a bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space, then w ( A ) 1 / 2 ( | | A | | + | | A ² | | 1 / 2 ) , where w(A) and ||A|| are the numerical radius and the usual operator norm of A, respectively. An application of this inequality is given to obtain a new estimate for the numerical radius of the Frobenius companion matrix. Bounds for the zeros of polynomials are also given.

A Paley-Wiener type theorem for generalized non-quasianalytic classes

Jordi Juan-Huguet (2012)

Studia Mathematica

Let P be a hypoelliptic polynomial. We consider classes of ultradifferentiable functions with respect to the iterates of the partial differential operator P(D) and prove that such classes satisfy a Paley-Wiener type theorem. These classes and the corresponding test spaces are nuclear.

A parabolic quasilinear problem for linear growth functionals.

Fuensanta Andreu, Vincent Caselles, José María Mazón (2002)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We prove existence and uniqueness of solutions for the Dirichlet problem for quasilinear parabolic equations in divergent form for which the energy functional has linear growth.

A parameter choice for Tikhonov regularization for solving nonlinear inverse problems leading to optimal convergence rates

Otmar Scherzer (1993)

Applications of Mathematics

We give a derivation of an a-posteriori strategy for choosing the regularization parameter in Tikhonov regularization for solving nonlinear ill-posed problems, which leads to optimal convergence rates. This strategy requires a special stability estimate for the regularized solutions. A new proof fot this stability estimate is given.

A penalty approach for a box constrained variational inequality problem

Zahira Kebaili, Djamel Benterki (2018)

Applications of Mathematics

We propose a penalty approach for a box constrained variational inequality problem ( BVIP ) . This problem is replaced by a sequence of nonlinear equations containing a penalty term. We show that if the penalty parameter tends to infinity, the solution of this sequence converges to that of BVIP when the function F involved is continuous and strongly monotone and the box C contains the origin. We develop the algorithmic aspect with theoretical arguments properly established. The numerical results tested on...

A periodic boundary value problem in Hilbert space

Boris Rudolf (1994)

Mathematica Bohemica

In the paper some existence results for periodic boundary value problems for the ordinary differential equation of the second order in a Hilbert space are given. Under some auxiliary assumptions the set of solutions is compact and connected or it is convex.

Currently displaying 541 – 560 of 1497