Displaying 5741 – 5760 of 11136

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On existence of solutions to degenerate nonlinear optimization problems

Agnieszka Prusińska, Alexey Tret'yakov (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

We investigate the existence of the solution to the following problem min φ(x) subject to G(x)=0, where φ: X → ℝ, G: X → Y and X,Y are Banach spaces. The question of existence is considered in a neighborhood of such point x₀ that the Hessian of the Lagrange function is degenerate. There was obtained an approximation for the distance of solution x* to the initial point x₀.

On existence theorems for semilinear equations and applications

Fang Zhang, Feng Wang (2013)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Existence results for semilinear operator equations without the assumption of normal cones are obtained by the properties of a fixed point index for A-proper semilinear operators established by Cremins. As an application, the existence of positive solutions for a second order m-point boundary value problem at resonance is considered.

On exit laws for subordinated semigroups by means of 𝒞 1 -subordinators

Mohamed Hmissi, Ezzedine Mliki (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study the integral representation of potentials by exit laws in the framework of sub-Markovian semigroups of bounded operators acting on L 2 ( m ) . We mainly investigate subordinated semigroups in the Bochner sense by means of 𝒞 1 -subordinators. By considering the one-sided stable subordinators, we deduce an integral representation for the original semigroup.

On extended eigenvalues and extended eigenvectors of truncated shift

Hasan Alkanjo (2013)

Concrete Operators

In this paper we consider the truncated shift operator Su on the model space K2u := H2 θ uH2. We say that a complex number λ is an extended eigenvalue of Su if there exists a nonzero operator X, called extended eigenvector associated to λ, and satisfying the equation SuX = λXSu. We give a complete description of the set of extended eigenvectors of Su, in the case of u is a Blaschke product..

On extensions of orthosymmetric lattice bimorphisms

Mohamed Ali Toumi (2013)

Mathematica Bohemica

In the paper we prove that every orthosymmetric lattice bilinear map on the cartesian product of a vector lattice with itself can be extended to an orthosymmetric lattice bilinear map on the cartesian product of the Dedekind completion with itself. The main tool used in our proof is the technique associated with extension to a vector subspace generated by adjoining one element. As an application, we prove that if ( A , * ) is a commutative d -algebra and A 𝔡 its Dedekind completion, then, A 𝔡 can be equipped...

On extrapolation spaces

Giuseppe Da Prato, Pierre Grisvard (1982)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si definisce un nuovo tipo di spazi a partire da un dato spazio di Banach X e da un operatore lineare A in X . Tali spazi si possono pensare come spazi di interpolazione D A ( ϑ ) con ϑ negativo.

On extremal positive maps acting between type I factors

Marcin Marciniak (2010)

Banach Center Publications

The paper is devoted to the problem of classification of extremal positive linear maps acting between 𝔅(𝒦) and 𝔅(ℋ) where 𝒦 and ℋ are Hilbert spaces. It is shown that every positive map with the property that rank ϕ(P) ≤ 1 for any one-dimensional projection P is a rank 1 preserver. This allows us to characterize all decomposable extremal maps as those which satisfy the above condition. Further, we prove that every extremal positive map which is 2-positive turns out to be automatically completely...

Currently displaying 5741 – 5760 of 11136