New existence theorems of positive solutions for singular boundary value problems.
We show that every subset of L¹[0,1] that contains the nontrivial intersection of an order interval and finitely many hyperplanes fails to have the fixed point property for nonexpansive mappings.
In this paper we study -EP matrices, as a generalization of EP-matrices in indefinite inner product spaces, with respect to indefinite matrix product. We give some properties concerning EP and -EP matrices and find connection between them. Also, we present some results for reverse order law for Moore-Penrose inverse in indefinite setting. Finally, we deal with the star partial ordering and improve some results given in the “EP matrices in indefinite inner product spaces” (2012), by relaxing some...
The paper deals with the existence of periodic solutions for a kind of non-autonomous time-delay Rayleigh equation. With the continuation theorem of the coincidence degree and a priori estimates, some new results on the existence of periodic solutions for this kind of Rayleigh equation are established.
We present a general spectral decomposition technique for bounded solutions to inhomogeneous linear periodic evolution equations of the form ẋ = A(t)x + f(t) (*), with f having precompact range, which is then applied to find new spectral criteria for the existence of almost periodic solutions with specific spectral properties in the resonant case where may intersect the spectrum of the monodromy operator P of (*) (here sp(f) denotes the Carleman spectrum of f). We show that if (*) has a bounded...
We provide new sufficient conditions for the convergence of the secant method to a locally unique solution of a nonlinear equation in a Banach space. Our new idea uses “Lipschitz-type” and center-“Lipschitz-type” instead of just “Lipschitz-type” conditions on the divided difference of the operator involved. It turns out that this way our error bounds are more precise than the earlier ones and under our convergence hypotheses we can cover cases where the earlier conditions are violated.
We present a local and a semilocal analysis for Newton-like methods in a Banach space. Our hypotheses on the operators involved are very general. It turns out that by choosing special cases for the "majorizing" functions we obtain all previous results in the literature, but not vice versa. Since our results give a deeper insight into the structure of the functions involved, we can obtain semilocal convergence under weaker conditions and in the case of local convergence a larger convergence radius....